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Carlos Inclán Fuentes

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International Research Training Group "Between Spaces"

Movements, Actors and Representations of Globalisation

PhD Candidate

Project: "Red Tide: surveillance and containment of communist exile in Mexico, 1937-1956"


since 2013

PhD student at El Colegio de México

2011 - 2012

Master in Economic History. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

2007 - 2012

B.A. in History. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Professional Experience

2009 - 2013

Research assistant for the project COLMEX–CONACyT. Nación y Extranjería en México 1910 – 1946 (CB.151011-H), by Dr. Pablo Yankelevich



Stay abroad at the Benson Latin American Collection/University of Texas at Austin. Scholarship of the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, México.

2010 - 2012

Scholarship holder of the Programa Universitario de la Diversidad Cultural e Interculturalidad. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

2008 - 2009

Scholarship holder of the Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

"Red Tide: surveillance and containment of communist exile in Mexico, 1937-1956"

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Pablo Yankelevich (El Colegio de México)

This research project seeks to study three cases of communist exiles in Mexico [Trotsky-Serge, the antifascist movement Freies Deutschland, and CPUSA’s former members] in the period comprised between the last years of the presidency of Lázaro Cardenas and 1956, the end of the early Cold War’s first cycle. The focus of this research are the changes and continuities of Mexican State policy towards the communist in exile, especially the evolution of the civilian intelligence agencies for surveillance, control and containment.

The main objectives of the project are:

1. To explain the changes in Mexican State policy toward the communist exiles in response to domestic and international political conditions: such as, “an open or selective door policy”, changes in the relations with other States, fight against fascism, realignment after World War II, projects of economic and political modernization, alliance with the United States, the weight of political tradition, and increased anticommunist belligerency.

2. To determine the nature of the relationship between the Mexican State and the communist exiles: to explore the connection between support and cooperation mechanisms and surveillance and containment, and inquire how the State used the civilian intelligence to monitor and follow up activities of heterogeneous groups of exiles, who were at the same time uncomfortable guests, allies of convenience or an undesirable presence.



(2013): Perote y los nazis. Las políticas de control y vigilancia del Estado mexicano a los ciudadanos alemanes durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1946). México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Gobierno del estado de Veracruz.

Articles in Anthologies

(2015), ‘Los archivos de la represión en México: reclamos por una justicia inacabada’, in Sociedad de Estudiantes de El Colegio de México (eds.). Faltan más. 43 voces por Ayotzinapa.México: S/E Colmex, pp. 201-2013.

(2012), ‘El comercio de compensación petrolero entre México y Alemania, 1938-1942’, in: Mandujano Arrojo, Humberto (ed.), Memoria digital del I Encuentro de Historia Económica en la FES Aragón. México: Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragón, p. 285-307.

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Consejo Nacional de Ciencia e Technologia
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