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Gastaufenthalte & Austausch

Over the years of cooperation, there have been numerous guest stays between the two institutions and a rich exchange. The following are examples of some of the guest stays and personnel connections between the LAI and LAC.

Dr. Carlos Pérez Ricart (LAI/LAC)

Doctorate in the EntreEspacios Research Training Group and research assistant at the Latin America Institute from 2012-2016. Postdoctoral researcher at the Latin American Centre from 2017-2020.

Prof. Dr. Markus Hochmüller (LAI/LAC)

PhD in Political Science at Otto Suhr Institute and researcher at DesiguAldades.net and TrAndes between 2012 and 2018. He worked in DesiguAldades.net and TrAndes between 2012 and 2018 and moved to the Latin American Centre in 2019 as a DAAD PostDoc Fellow. Postdoctoral Research Fellow at LAC and CONPEACE until 09/2022. Since 10/2022 Visiting Professor for Political Science at the Latin America Institute.

Dr. Jan Boesten (LAI/LAC)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CONPEACE from 2017-2019. 2019-2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at LA and CONPEACE (Cross-Appointment). Since March 2021 DFG-funded Research Fellow at the Latin America Institute.

Juan Neves-Sarriegui (LAC)

PhD student at the Latin American Centre. DAAD-funded stay at the Latin American Institute from March to September 2022. Stay at the LAI via the OX/BER Research Partnership from 1-31 July 2023.

Dr. Francesca Lessa (LAC)

Guest lecture: "The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America" at the Latin America Institute on 06.07.2023.

Pablo Astudillo (LAC)

Guest lecture: "Productive Networks and Economic Diversification in Developing Countries. Case of Study: Ecuador" at the Latin America Institute on 28.04.2018.
