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Proposal beruhend auf CAPAZ-Studie an Hochkommissar für Kolumbien im Postkonflikt überreicht

News from Jan 22, 2018

On January 22, 2018 the Higher Counsellor for Post-confict in Colombia, Rafael Pardo Rueda, received a proposal to strength local development processes carried out by local organizations in these territories at an event at the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation (HBS) in Bogotá. The proposal is based on results from a explorative project entitled “Territorial peace and conflicts in transitory rural zones for normalization to FARC ex-combatants”, funded by the CAPAZ Institute and implemented by the Latin American Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali, Universidad del Valle, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia in Pasto and the NGO CETEC.

The results of the explorative project were presented for the first time earlier on November 8th and 9th 2017 at a CAPAZ-Workshop in Cali.

Infos about the event at HBS are available at the CAPAZ-Homepage.

Details about the CAPAZ-Workshop in Cali are available here.

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