Müller, Sascha (2010): “Institutions, Collectivities, and Individuals: How Multiple Means and Mechanisms of Natural Resource Allocation Influence their Use and Protection.Theoretical Considerations with Empirical Illustrations from the South-western Amazon Trapeze of Colombia”. In English. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Fritz
Valdés, María Fernanda (2014): "Is Tax Policy Becoming More Pro-equity in the Latin American Region? Five case studies of commodity-dependent economies", (with a desiguALdades.net scholarship). In English. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Fritz
Chacón, Nelsón (2017): "Critique, practice and socialization: Ways of appropriation of modern science in Nueva Granada, 1760-1800" (with a DAAD scholarship). In Spanish. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke
Jachnow, Joachim (2015): "Modernization and worldviews. Conservative ideology and practice in Colombia (1810-1934)” (with a scholarship by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung). In German. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke
López, Carlos Arturo (2017): "The common ground of writing. Philosophy in Colombia 1892 - 1910", (with a DAAD/Colfuturo scholarship). In German. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke
Literature of Latin America
Báez León, Jaime Andrés (2017): „Crítica practicante / crítica especializada.Debates sobre el papel del contexto histórico y el realismo literario en la crítica literaria de los años sesenta” (con una beca del DAAD) Advisor: Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel
Locane,Jorge J. (2015): "Miradas locales en tiempos globales. Intervenciones literarias sobre la ciudad latinoamericana"; awarded with the ADLAF-Award 2016 (con una beca del KAAD) Advisor: Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel
Political Science
Castrillon Arías, Gloria Patricia (2014): “Modernization and social conflict in Colombia. Research of the years 1951-2011, between structural social change and the continuity of the political status quo”. In German. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig
Nupia-Martínez, Carlos M. (2012): “Science Policy in Colombia 1968-1991: Transference and learning about International Political Models", (DAAD scholarship). In Spanish. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Günther Maihold
Baquero Melo, Jairo (2013): "Layered Inequalities: Land grabbing, collective landrights and Afro-descendant resistance in Colombia", (with a desiguALdades.net scholarship). In English. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa
Martínez, Edna (2016): "Making the resilience and the existence: Black People in border territories of Colombia and Ecuador and the palm oil industry". In English Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa