M.A. Kristina Hinz
Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut
PhD Candidate
14197 Berlin
August 2017 - February 2018: (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Module “Contemporary Feminist Theory”
Institute for Social Sciences - State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
- Preparation and delivery of lectures in the area of political feminist thought for 30 students, including undergraduates and graduates, journalists, activists and professionals from the education, health and social service sectors.
May 2021 - today: (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Laboratory for Violence Analysis (LAV)
State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
- Design and implementation of research with regards to the diffusion of firearms and gender-based violence in Brazil (with Doriam Borges and Maira Covre-Sussai).
June 2017 - May 2021: (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Center for Studies on Inequalities and Gender Relations (NUDERG)
Institute for Social Sciences - State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
- Design and implementation of research with regards to the high school feminist (secundarista) movement in Brazil. Methodological conception of the study and conducting of field work at the Pedro II School in Rio de Janeiro.
March 2015 - June 2016: (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Research Assistant
Global South Unit for Mediation (GSUM)
BRICS Policy Center
Institute of International Relations - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
- Hinz, Kristina and Vinuto, Juliana. “Police Soldiers, Elite Squads, and Militia: Militarized Masculinities and Public Security Discourses in Rio de Janeiro (1995-2018)” [forthcoming International Feminist Journal of Politics, Special Issue Brazil, 2021].
- Hinz, Kristina, Herz, Monica, and Siman Gomes, Maira. “Ripe for Resolution? International Mediation and its Community” [forthcoming in Global Governance, 27, no. 3 (2021)].
- Hinz, Kristina, Vinuto, Juliana and Coutinho, Aline. “In the Name of God and Rifles: the Neo-Pentecostal and Securitarian Rise in Brazil (2003-2019) [Por Dios y por las armas: El ascenso neopentecostal y securitário en Brasil (2003 - 2019)]”. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals 126 (2020): 185-213. DOI: doi.org/10.24241/rcai.2020.126.3.185.
- Hinz, Kristina, Rodrigues da Silva, Thaiana. “Feministas Secundaristas: Discriminações de Gênero e Resistências no Exemplo da Comissão Feminista do Colégio Pedro II [High School Feminists: Gender Discriminations and Resistance on the Example of the Feminist Comission of the Pedro II School in Rio de Janeiro].” Congress annals Enlaçando Sexualidades 1 (2017). ISSN 2238-9008.
- Rodrigues da Silva, Thaiana., Hinz, Kristina “Leis e lacunas: uma análise da legislação vigente para o combate da discriminação por gênero nas escolas de ensino médio do Rio de Janeiro [Laws and Gaps: An Analysis of the Current Legislation to Combat Gender Discrimination in High Schools in Rio de Janeiro].” Congress annals Enlaçando Sexualidades 1 (2017). ISSN 2238-9008
- Hinz, Kristina “O amor é um evento. Considerações sobre amor e política no pensamento de Hannah Arendt [Love is an Event. Considerations on Love and Politics in Hannah Arendt’s Work].” Revista Direito e Práxis 2, no. 8 (2017): 1683-1693. DOI: 10.12957/dep.2017.28772.
- Hinz, Kristina and Zubek, Izadora (eds.). Feminist Insights: Resilience and Resistance in Times of COVID-19. Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 2020. Available at: https://www.rosalux.de/en/corona/feminist-insights-resilience-and-resistance-in-times-of-covid-19?fbclid=IwAR1KIsLRXLtcdC-LFtizyq4hX99BNZwzRG6hBPYifuvegMhkdEPZD4bPVyg.
- Hinz, Kristina, Franca-Lipke, Ludmilla, and Soares de Azevedo, Fatima Gabriela (eds.). ‘Critique of Violence’ 100 years later—On the Actuality of Walter Benjamin’s Violence Essay. Rio de Janeiro: Contexto Internacional (forthcoming 2021).
- Hinz, Kristina; Borges, Doriam; Coutinho, Aline; Cury Andries, Thiago. “The Rise of Brazil’s Neo-Pentecostal Narco-Militia”. OpenDemocracy, 06 May 2021. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/democraciaabierta/rise-narco-militia-pentecostal-brazil-en/
- Hinz, Kristina; Coutinho, Aline; Grześkiewicz, Hanna; Flisak, Alicja; Barbar, Hadir; Ahmed, Ghadeer. “Unholy Alliance: The Global Crusade Against Reproductive Justice”. OpenDemocracy, 17 February 2021. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/es/no-santa-alianza-cruzada-mundial-contra-justicia-reproductiva/
- Hinz, Kristina and Zubek, Izadora. “Why the COVID-19 Pandemic Needs an Intersectional Feminist Approach”. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 24 April 2020. Available at: https://www.rosalux.de/en/news/id/42062/gendered-impacts-of-covid-19-in-the-global-south?cHash=82963ceb141a9a3480bfe2684d6e797b&fbclid=IwAR14ewDKgQXuIFoAROTvcgnQXbn8wJe1DLyRB0tiN-mLiD_qpubOaO183WM
- Coutinho, Aline Beatriz and Kristina Hinz. “Back to the Past: Brazil’s Backlash of Reproductive Justice in its Domestic and Foreign Policy”. Disrupted 2, no.1 (2020), 12-17.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Brésil : la vie des femmes noires et marginalisé mises en danger.” Europe insoumise, 4 July 2019. Available at: https://europeinsoumise.org/fr/dossiers-thematiques/libertes/item/204-bresil-la-vie-des-femmes-noires-et-marginalisees-mise-en-danger
- Hinz, Kristina. “Why Jair Bolsonaro’s New Security Policy Endangers the Lives of Black and Marginalized Women.” Open Democracy, 8 August 2019. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/democraciaabierta/nova-pol%C3%ADtica-de-seguran%C3%A7a-de-bolsonaro-p%C3%B5e-em-risco-mulheres-negras-e-marginalizadas-en/
- Hinz, Kristina. “Bolsonaro’s New Security Policy Will Endanger Black and Marginalized Women.” Truth Out, 22 June 2019. Available at: https://truthout.org/articles/bolsonaros-new-security-policy-will-endanger-black-and-marginalized-women/
- Hinz, Kristina. “Wer hat Angst vor den Feministinnen? Die Hexenjagd auf Frauenbewegungen und Gender-Studies unter der Bolsonaro-Regierung“ [Who Is Afraid of a Feminist? The Witch Hunt on Women’s Movements and Gender Studies under the Bolsonaro Government].” Brasilicum 252 (2019). ISSN: 2199-7594.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Jair Bolsonaro – O Messias dos Machos sem Causa [Jair Bolsonaro – Messiah of the Machos Without A Cause]. Medium. 18 September 2018. Available at: https://medium.com/@kristinahinz/jair-bolsonaro-o-messias-dos-machos-sem-causa-6f6f1beb899f
- · Hinz, Kristina. “Der Angriff auf die brasilianische Demokratie ist ein Angriff auf Frauen [The Attack on Brazilian Democracy is an Attack on Women, German version].“ Die Linke International. 29 June 2018. Available at: https://international.die-linke.de/welt/detail/news/der-angriff-auf-die-brasilianische-demokratie-ist-ein-angriff-auf-frauen/.
- Hinz, Kristina. “The Attack on Brazilian Democracy is an Attack on Women: Religious Fundamentalism, Sexual Politics, and Feminist Resistance After Dilma Rousseff.” The Left Berlin Internationals. 15 June 2018. Available at: https://theleftberlin.wordpress.com/current-debates/the-attack-on-brazilian-democracy-is-an-attack-on-women/
- Hinz, Kristina. “Não vamos parar de cobrar justiça. Pesquisadora alemã relembra entrevista com Marielle Franco e fala do susto e da indignação com a notícia da execução da vereadora [We Are Not Going To Stop Asking For Justice. German Researcher Remembers Interview With Marielle Franco]. ” Projeto #Colabora, Rio de Janeiro, 18 May 2018. Available at: https://projetocolabora.com.br/genero/justica-por-marielle-franco
- Hinz, K. “Ein schöner Schein. Legale Möglichkeiten des Schwangerschaftsabbruches und reale Hindernisse in Brasilien [Nothing But a Sham. Legal Possibilities and Real Obstacles for Abortion in Brazil].” Brasilicum 245 (2017). ISSN 2199-7594.
- Hinz, K. “Besetzen für Bildung. In Brasilien trotzen Schüler der rechten Regierung [Occupying for Education. Brazilian High School Students Defy Conservative Government].” Lateinamerika Nachrichten 511 (2017). ISSN 0174-6342.
- Arendt, Hannah. “Amor e Casamento [Love and Marriage].” Translated by Kristina Hinz. Revista Direito e Práxis 2, no. 8 (2017): 1682-1683. DOI: 10.12957/dep.2017.28772
- Maihofer, Andrea. “O gênero como construção social. Uma consideração intermediária [Gender as a social construction. An intermediate consideration].” Translated by Kristina Hinz. Revista Direito e Práxis 7, no. 15 (2016): 874-888. DOI: 10.12957/dep.2016.25362.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Pela Bíblia e Pela Bala. Igrejas Neo-Pentecostais e Grupos Pró-Armamentistas no Brasil”. Invited guest speaker. Via Marginal. Berlin, 31 January 2021. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNCe4TCHUAM&feature=youtu.be [last access. 15 February 2021].
- Hinz, Kristina. “Feminist Insights. Resilience and Resistance in Times of COVID-19.” With Anielle Franco, Kristina Kaghdo and Radhika Menon. Moderator and organizer. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Berlin, 15 December 2020 [online seminar]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPB6gEnXUtE [last access: 03 January 2021].
- Hinz, Kristina. “The Conspiracy Against Choice. Why Abortion Rights are Under Attack in Poland, Brazil and the USA.” With Taylor Storey, Debora Thomé and Alicja Flisak. Moderator. The Left International Berlin. Berlin, 07 December 2020 [online seminar]. Available at: https://www.theleftberlin.com/post/video-the-conspiracy-against-choice [last access: 03 January 2021].
- Hinz, Kristina. “Pandemia, patriarcado e policiamento: As múltiplas faces da violência de Estado contra a mulher no contexto de COVID-19 [Pandemic, Patriarchy and Policing: The Multiple Faces of Law Enforcement Violence Against Women in the Context of COVID-19.” Invited guest speaker, lecture series “Why Does Gender Matter?”, Center for Studies on Inequalities and Gender Relations (NUDERG), State University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, 04 November 2020 [online lecture].
- Hinz, Kristina. “Por que a criminalização do aborto é uma forma de violência do Estado [Why the Criminalization of Abortion is a Form of State Violence].” Invited guest speaker at the Gender Working Group of the Brazilian Association of Historians Rio de Janeiro, panel Abortion: Mobilization, resistances and silencing. Rio de Janeiro: 21 August 2020 [online conference].
- Hinz, Kristina. “Gendered Insights on the “War on Corona”: The Multiple Faces of Gender-Based Law Enforcement Violence in a Global Crisis.” Invited guest speaker of Think Fast, University College of London [online conference]. London, 30 May 2020.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Perspectivas feministas sobre la pandemia del coronavírus en el mundo [Feminist perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic.” Invited guest speaker of the Chilenean party Convergencia Social [online conference]. Santiago de Chile, 27 April 2020.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Gendered Insights on the “War on Corona”: The Multiple Faces of Gender-Based Law Enforcement Violence in a Global Crisis.” Invited guest speaker of Think Fast, panel COVID-19 and Forced Detention, University College of London [online conference]. London, 01 May 2020.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Perspectivas feministas sobre la pandemia del coronavírus en el mundo [Feminist perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic.” Invited guest speaker of the Chilenean party Convergencia Social [online conference]. Santiago de Chile, 27 April 2020.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Soldiers, Elite Police Squads, and Military Intervention: Performances of Protection and the Masculinization of Brazilian State Authorities During the “War on Drugs” in Rio de Janeiro (1988-2018).” Invited guest speaker. Laboratory for the Study of Differences and Inequalities (LEDDES), State University of Rio de Janeiro. October 2019.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Wer hat Angst vor den Feministinnen? Intersektionale Perspektiven auf die Wahl von Jair Bolsonaro in Brasilien 2018 [Who is Afraid of a Feminist? Intersectional Perspectives on the Election of Jair Bolsonaro 2018]. Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science. Course: Die Krise der Demokratie aus queer-feministischer Perspektive. Free University of Berlin. 1 July 2019.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Gun Deaths, Rape, and Police Violence. Why Jair Bolsonaro's New Security Policy Endangers the Lives of Black and Marginalized Women.” The Left International Conference Forms of Resistance in Dark Times. Berlin, June, 2019.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Anti-Feminism, Anti-Leftism, WhatsApp and the Moralization of Politics: Disinformation Strategies in the Brazilian Presidential Election 2018”. Invited guest speaker at the Institute for Social Sciences, Course The Politics of (Dis)information, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 24 June 2019.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Who is Afraid of the Feminists? Intersectional Perspectives on the Election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.” Invited guest speaker at Die Linke Kreuzberg-Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 6 December 2018.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Who is Afraid of a Feminist? Understanding the Election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil from an Intersectional Gender Perspective.” Invited guest speaker of the panel “Brazil after the Elections: Return to Military Dictatorship?” Kassel University, Kassel, Germany, 5 December 2018.
- Hinz, Kristina. “#Not Him – New Authoritarianism and Feminist Resistance in Brazil.” Invited guest speaker of the panel “Feminist Mobilizations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia”, organized by Lateinamerika Forum Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 18 October 2018.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Nothing but a Sham: Reproductive Rights, Legal Possibilities and Real Obstacles for Abortion in Brazil.” Invited guest speaker of the panel “Reproductive Rights in Latin America”, organized by The Left Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 24 September 2018.
- Hinz, Kristina. “The Crisis in Democracy and Feminist Resistance in Brazil After Dilma Rousseff.” Invited keynote speaker of the panel “Internationalism and Feminist Struggles”, as part of the seminar “Internationalist Feminism – Feminist Internationalism”. Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, 6 July 2018.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Soldiers, Elite Police Squads, and Military Intervention: Performances of Protection and the Masculinization of Brazilian State Authorities During the “War on Drugs” in Rio de Janeiro (1988-2018)”. Second IFJP Polycentric Conference Gender Violence and Feminist Resistance in Latin America, October 2019, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Oral presentation.
- Hinz, K. “Thugs, Warriors and Warlords: Representations of Masculinity in the Official Discourses of Drug Containment and Combat in the City of Rio de Janeiro (1988-2018)”. Conference Feminist Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Studies. Koblenz University, Koblenz, Germany. Oral presentation.
- Hinz, K. “New Authoritarianism, Sexual Politics and Feminist Resistance in Brazil.” Conference Anti-democratic Conservatives: Enemies of an Open and Inclusive Society. Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany. Oral presentation.
- Hinz, K., Rodrigues da Silva, T. “Feministas secundaristas: Discriminações de gênero e resistências no exemplo da Comissão Feminista do Colégio Pedro II [High School Feminists: Gender Discriminations and Resistence on the Example of the Feminist Comission of the Pedro II School in Rio de Janeiro].” 5th International Seminar Enlaçando Sexualidades, Salvador, Brazil. Oral presentation.
- Rodrigues da Silva, T., Hinz, K. “Leis e lacunas: uma análise da legislação vigente para o combate da discriminação por gênero nas escolas de ensino médio do Rio de Janeiro [Laws and Gaps: An Analysis of the Current Legislation to Combat Gender Discrimination in High Schools in Rio de Janeiro].” 5th International Seminar Enlaçando Sexualidades, Salvador, Brazil. Oral presentation.
- Santiago, Henrique. “Por que as armas de fogo e o desejo de praticar tiro estão em alta no mundo [Why firearms and the desire to practice shooting are on the rise in the world.]”. Interviews with Luiz Eduardo Soares, Kristina Hinz, Melina Risso, and Carolina Ricardo. TAB UOL, 24 October 2020. Available at : https://www.bol.uol.com.br/entretenimento/2020/10/24/o-que-explica-o-desejo-crescente-do-brasileiro-por-armas-de-fogo.htm
- Hinz, Kristina. Podcast Grabando Cassettes. “Mix Tape 2: Pandemia, política y vacas con Kristina Hinz [Mix Tape no. 2: Talking pandemics, politics, and cows with Kristina Hinz]”. Available at: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0dj5kxie4hHwbGycpR75UV?si=B1CjpSCRTHiX5tGFRNXPDw
- Hinz, Kristina. “Reproductive Rights in Brazil: It’s the Lack of State Engagement that Endangers Women’s Lives”. Interview for the documentary Shove. 5 November 2018.
- Hinz, Kristina. “Mutige Frauen: Reflexion über die Herausforderungen brasilianischer Frauen in schweren Zeiten [Courageous Women: Reflection about the Challenges of Brazilian Women in Difficult Times]”. Interview to Radio Dreyecksland. 15 March 2017. https://mais1cafe.org/2017/03/15/de-mutige-frauen-reflexion-uber-die-herausforderungen-brasilianischer-frauen-in-schweren-zeiten/
- Hinz, Kristina. “Proteste gegen Gruppenvergewaltigung in Brasilien: ‘Ein strukturelles und kulturelles Problem’ [Protest Against Gang Rape in Brazil: 'A Structural and Cultural Problem']”. Interview to Reuters. 31 May 2016.