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Teaching Cooperation between LAI and UNAM

The international teaching programme between the LAI and UNAM is one of the latest examples of the successful cooperation between the universities that has been going on for years. It offers students the excellent opportunity to exchange ideas on highly relevant scientific topics across national borders beyond the regular sessions in Mexico or Berlin, to adopt different perspectives and to gain valuable international experience in virtual space.

In the past years, the following courses were offered in cooperation with UNAM:

Summer Semester 2022

Teachers: Stefan Rinke (LAI) & Féderico Navarrete Linares (UNAM)

Teachers: Marcela Suárez Estrada (LAI) & León Hernández (UNAM)

Teachers: Martha Zapata Galindo & Teresa Orozco Martínez (LAI)

Summer Semester 2021

Teacher: Martha Zapata Galindo (LAI)

Teachers: Martha Zapata Galindo & Teresa Orozco Martínez (LAI)

Teachers: Marcela Suárez Estrada (LAI) & León Hernández (UNAM)
