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Eduroam (WIFI): First time signing in under WINDOWS

Since July 2019, the campus-wide Wi-Fi network eduroam only works with a new certificate. To be able to use this or install it, the following steps are necessary, depending on whether you want to establish a connection with eduroam with a private device or a device that is integrated into the FU domain (migrated).

If you have more than one device connected to the wireless network, please perform the configuration for each of these devices. On devices that are not connected to the Wi-Fi, you do not need to adjust anything.

Windows computer of the Freie Universität Berlin


Into the FU domain integrated or migrated by the ZEDAT business computers don’t need the ZEDAT tool to connect to eduroam.


Since you may not be able to enter details in the eduroam login screen if you have already logged into Windows, we recommend that you connect to eduroam before logging into Windows. The following images show where you can find the WLAN login mask before Windows login.

If you have entered the login mask, please log in with the following data.

Username: [FU account username] @ fu-berlin.de

Password: [The password belonging to the FU account]


[FU account user name] stands for the user name of your FU account, that is the part before @ of your e-mail address ... @ zedat.fu-berlin.de.

If, for example, Max Mustermann has the email address mustermann@zedat.fu-berlin.de, he would have to log in to the eduroam with the user name mustermann@fu-berlin.de on a FU computer.

Private Computers

For private computers and smartphones please use one of the tools of the ZEDAT to set up eduroam. The operating system specific download links can be found in the table.


During the installation of eduroam by one of the tools, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. These are as follows.

Username: [FU account username] @ fu-berlin.de

Password: [The password belonging to the FU account]

More information: https://www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/WLAN

Zwischen Räumen
Forschungszentrum Brasilien