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Juan Alberto Salazar Rebolledo: "Present and Preterite: Anti-imperialist critiques of the Mexican Revolution from Iberoamerican Viewpoint of Cuadernos Americanos AMID The Thriumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959" has been published

News from Mar 27, 2023

In the 1940s the cultural, social, and political project of the journal Cuadernos Americanos was created. Iberoamerican intellectuals aligned with anti-imperialist ideas and intellectual commitment gathered with the publication’s director, Mexican economist Jesús Silva Herzog. Beginning with Cuaderno’s first issues, the viability of the Mexican Revolution was deliberated, where the mistakes and distortions of the process, as well as the need for more radical measures to be undertaken, were discussed. These reflections were catalyzed by the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, as it presented various possible guidelines for the revival of its Mexican counterpart, or at least for it to come under more severe criticism from the anti-imperialist point of view

To see Juan Alberto Salazar's new article click here. 

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