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The research in the department of History incluide topics from the beginning of the colonial times until the contemporary history. The interest in the perspectives of the global history and the transnational interrelations with other world regions is what they have in common.

In Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke's Research Colloquium of Latin American History, we discuss with MA students, doctoral students, postdocs and numerous vising scholars the latest research on Latin American history.

Other important research topics are the culture of remembrance, the circulation of knowledge, cultural globalization and Governance in areas of limited statehood. The projects are involved mostly in external projects (International Research Training Group „Between Spaces“, the SFB 700, the Einstein Research Fellowship, the DFG-Projects "Self-fashioning"; "The Impact of Memory Work within the Colombian Education Community") and also with partner institutions in Latin America (International Cooperations). The dissertation projects and the completed projects of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft reflect the research focus of the department of History.