Rodrigo García Bonilla

International Research Training Group "Between Spaces"
Movements, Actors and Representations of Globalisation
Graduate student
Project: "Efraín Huerta and Vladímir Maiakovski. Towards a view of pro-Soviet literature in Mexico"
Currently: Master’s degree candidate in Mexican Literature, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico City)
2014: Bachelor degree in Mexican Literature, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico City)
"Efraín Huerta and Vladímir Maiakovski. Towards a view of pro-Soviet literature in Mexico"
Supervisor: Dr. Domingo Alberto Vital Díaz (UNAM)
This project describes the reaction of Mexican literature after the emergence of the Soviet Union, taking into account a lapse of time that goes from the rise of the Bolsheviks to the first years of Khrushschov’s Taw. The starting point is Mexican poet Efraín Huerta’s essay Maiakovski, poeta del futuro [Mayakovsky, Poet of the Future], published in 1956 by the Instituto de Intercambio Cultural Mexicano-Ruso; there, Huerta pointed out the life and work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. As Luis Mario Schneider claimed in the book Dos poetas rusos en México [Two Russian Poets in Mexico], Maiakovski (just as Konstantin Balmont, Sergei Eisenstein, Leon Trotsky or Victor Serge) visited Mexico in the first half of XXth century; after that experience he wrote a chronicle and some poems. From that encounter, this project finds out the reception of Mayakovsky in Mexico within the context of cultural and politic relations between our country and Russia (or, more properly in Mayakovsky’s case, the Soviet Union); in regard to these relations, the presence of Balmont, Eisenstein, Trotsky o Serge in Mexico, as much as that of Mexican artists and intellectuals (Diego Rivera, José Mancisidor, Rafael Ramos Pedrueza or Huerta himself) in the Soviet Union are essential.
(2015), “El Llano y las bestias. Oficio de los animales en El Llano en llamas”, in Vital, A., Guzmán, M. E., Cuéllar, E., 60 años de El Llano en llamas: reflexiones académicas, México: UNAM.
(2013), “Vrbe. Super-poema bolchevique en 5 cantos”, Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México, México: Conaculta / Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas.
(2012), “José Gorostiza”, Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México, México: Conaculta / Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas.
(2012), “Notas sobre poesía de José Gorostiza”, Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México, México: Conaculta / Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas.