José Antonio Romero López

International Research Training Group "Between Spaces"
Movements, Actors and Representations of Globalisation
Graduate student
Project: "Mi sexuality is a political and artistic manifestation: fields of postpornography in Mexico"
Academic career
Since 2016 |
Master student and scholarship holder at the International Research Training Group "Between Spaces" (Freie Universität Berlin). |
Since 2014 |
Master’s Degree in Gender Studies, Center for Sociological Studies - Interdisciplinary Program of Women's Studies, El Colegio de México. |
2006-2010 |
Bachelor of Communication Studies (Graduation with honors), Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM. |
Teaching experience
2013 |
Undergraduate professor, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM. Analysis of images diffusion in audiovisual production. |
2009 |
Associate professor, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, UNAM. Subjects: Oral and Written Expression Workshop and Art and Communication. |
"Mi sexuality is a political and artistic manifestation: fields of postpornography in Mexico"
Supervisors: Dr. Karine Tinat (Colmex), Dr. Martha Zapata Galindo (FU Berlin)
Postpornography emerged as a political and artistic movement in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century, in the United States and Europe —with an important core in Spain—, and as an internal split in the field of audiovisual pornography. The critic argued that the global pornography industry spreads visual representations under a rigid and oppressive heterosexual canon, consisting in most cases on a dichotomous male/female relationship, defined by an active/passive role, where the symbolic epicenter lay almost entirely in sexual intercourse. Postporn demanded the appropriation of pornographic representation devices to capture other identities, bodies, and sexual practices and pleasures, from outside the heterosexual male spectrum of mass consumption pornography.
The critic and political action taken by postporn resonated in Latin America, and during the first decades of the twenty-first century, conceptual proposals that incorporate these ideas and demands have begun to gestate. The investigation proposes the approach with some artists and activists who have developed their work in the spatial and temporal context of contemporary Mexico, in order to know the conceptual framework that they articulate around postporn through their graphic, audiovisual and performance pieces.
With the research project, the objective is to explore the diversity of representations that are made about body and sexuality in the pospornographic field in Mexico. Likewise, I intend to work on a contribution in order to understand how postporn has been understood and appropriated in the Mexican context, and in what sense it converges and differs from the proposal that emerged in the United States and Europe.