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Scholarly work in Latin American studies (5 LP)

Qualification aims

Students can present a planned project or parts of it in a comprehensible way to representatives of their study profile and especially their discipline. Furthermore, they are trained in disciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogue. The students can present an independently developed research question, as well as select appropriate methods, theories, and materials in compliance with the principles of good academic practice and clearly justify their academic approach. They can convincingly present initial project results to the professional community in written and oral form, critically reflect on them together with the community, and answer questions. They refine their methodological and theoretical competence and improve the structuring and communication of their arguments. The students can justify their project and, if applicable, initial results in the context of academic discussions and convincingly develop them considering current research approaches, different perspectives, and constructive criticism. They can convincingly present a project according to the subject standards, as well as consolidate their presentation skills. In this context, they are also able to comment on other participants’ current projects, promote their further development, and enrich the academic discussion.


The module consists of discussions and presentations within the profile area or specifically in one discipline. In this context, the students constructively discuss the participants’ projects and address open questions. Students are especially expected to reflect on the principles of academic work and the academic and social responsibility of researchers. The students present the status of their project by supporting and supplementing the predominantly oral presentation with adequate written contributions (e.g., synopses, chapter drafts, PowerPoint presentations, or academic posters). In this context, special attention is paid to the presentation and commentary of the topic, the research question, the theoretical and methodological approach, as well as initial or expected results. The subsequent discussion about the feasibility of and different perspectives on the project, as well as intensive exchange with fellow students and the instructor contribute to the development of all projects and the individual analysis and writing process. Furthermore, the module occasionally offers the opportunity for students to get in touch with professional practitioners in related fields from Germany and abroad and thus build networks.


Teaching and learning methods: Kolloquium (Ko)

Module exam: none

Offer: every summer semester