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Alumni IRTG Mexico 2022/23

Miriam García Apolonio

Project: “The post-Tridentine ritual and its music during the Jesuit missionary work in America”


Marlene Godínez Soto

Project: "The verticalization of urban land in Mexico City: The real estate megaprojects Mitikah Ciudad Viva and Miyana Polanco"

Foto Marlene G

Gunther Adolfo Hasselkus Sánchez


Project: "From medical student to covidologist. A disruptive and empowering experience of young general physicians who worked in a temporary hybrid COVID-19 unit during the first year of the pandemic in Mexico City"


Leonel Hernández Polo


Project: "Future aspirations and scholarly levels of Second-Generation Young Mexican Immigrants in the United States of America"


Arisbeth Hernández Tapia

Project: "Forced displacement in the Sierra Tarahumara, slowed lives, aspirations and violence"


Andrés Luna Jiménez


Project: “(Dis)montages of history in contemporary cinematography: time, experience and subjectivity”

Andrés Luna

Ana Elena Pascoe Rodríguez

Project: "The Imagination of the Demos in the Digital Public Sphere"

foto perfil ana elena pascoe

Luz Helena Rodríguez Tapia

Project: "To leave, to stay or to wait. About the settlement processes of the Honduran population in Monterrey, Nuevo León, and Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico"

Luz Elena Rod Tap Foto

Erick Rodríguez Velázquez

Literary and Cultural Studies

Project: "The Memory of the Arab Diaspora through its Recent Literature in Latin America (1985-2015)"

erick rove

Elsa Paulina Segovia Elizarrarás

Project: "The use of cryptocurrencies as a hedging instrument in unstable Latin American economies: The Argentinean and Salvadoran Case"

foto segovia elizarraras

Jesús Eduardo Villota Mera

Project: "Gypsy patriarchy and Pentecostal socialization in the temporary-identity construction of Roma in Mexico"

foto de jesus villota
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia e Technologia
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