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Buchveröffentlichung "New Migration Patterns in the Americas - Challenges for the 21st Century"

News vom 07.09.2018

Edited by Andreas E. Feldmann, Xóchitl Bada and Stephanie Schütze this volume investigates new migration patterns in the Americas addressing continuities and changes in existing population movements in the region. The book explores migration conditions and intersections across time and space relying on a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach that brings together the expertise of transnational scholars with diverse theoretical orientations, strengths, and methodological approaches. Some of the themes this edited volumes explores include main features of contemporary migration in the Americas; causes, composition, and patterns of new migration flows; and state policies enacted to meet the challenges posed by new developments in migration flows.

1st ed. 2018 Palgrave Macmillan, XXVII, 355 p.

>> Bookflyer and more information

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Forschungszentrum Brasilien
Studien der Inklusion, Intersektionalität und sozialer Gleichheit