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PhD Students

One of the primary components of research at the department of sociology at the Latin American Institute are the doctoral projects, which represent the institute’s main areas of work.

General information about doctoral studies at the Freie Universität can be found here (link), for more details on studying for your PhD in the department of social sciences , click here.

PhD Projects

 Current Projects (Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa)

  • Mariana Treviño Riojas: ‘War on drugs’, disappeared people, and resistance strategies in Mexico (2006–2020)

  • Lívia de Souza Lima: Back, Female, and Peripheral Representation in the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly (Co-supervisor, Univ. Bielefeld)
  • Tori Sinanan: Mapping (under)development: A situational analysis of rural East Trinidad. (member of Minor Cosmpolitanisms)
  • Alexandre Nogueira Martins: Decolonial QueerPolitics: Queer Aspirations and Anti-Violence Struggles in Latin America
  • Mariana Motta Vivian: Democracies, modernities and the temporalities of future in Latin America: sociological interpretations of contemporary Brazil
  • Myriam Sauer: Idioms of the psychic: Decolonial studies on imaginations of the psychic and its societal applications in Brazil, China, and Europe
  • Braedyn Ezra Simon: To Belong to Not To Belong? Embodied Borders and the Politics of Sex and Gender Knowledge in Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist Discourses
  • Isadora Cardoso: One struggle one fight: intersectional discourses and activisms for climate justice in the Global South
  • Anne Ziegler: Afro-indigenous cosmovision, identity negotiation, and the struggle for land – a comparative research of activisms from Brazilian Quilombo and Central American Garifuna communities

Current Projects (Prof. Dr. Renata Motta)

  • Mariana Calcagni, Promovierende Soziologie: Food Justice movements in Latin America and Europe: towards a new food regime - Stipendium: DAAD, Becas Chile.
  • Federico Masson, Promovierender Soziologie: Scarcity-Hunger Apparatus’: Constitution of Objects and Subjectivities in Alternative Food Networks.

 Completed Projects (Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa)