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Paola Andrea Salazar Carreño


International Research Training Group 'Temporalities of Future'

PhD Candidate

Political Science

Project: “Transitional Justice in Colombia: Participation opportunities for rural women in the construction of historic memory and clarification of the truth (2003-2019)”


Since 14/2021

PhD Candidate, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’


Ph.D Candidate in Social and Political Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico


Master of Arts (maestría) in History, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Bachelor of Arts (licenciatura), Political Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Work Experience

Since 09/2021

Researcher, International Research Training Group ‘Temporalities of Future’

06/2018 – 07/2019

Officer of the Oxfam program in Colombia

02/2018 – 05/2018 

Consultant and Researcher for the Center of Studies for Peace -CESPAZ-


Professor, Certification Course in Legislative Technique of the Center for Political Thought & Dialogue CEPDIPO

11/2017 – 01/2018

Consultant, Artesanías de Colombia

04/2015 – 09/2017

Political advisor, House of Representatives, Congress of the Republic. Unit of Legislative Work for Ángela María Robledo

03/2014 – 04/2015

Researcher, Corporation Derechos para la Paz -Planeta Paz

02/2011 – 07/2014

Political advisor, Colombian Senate, Congress of the Republic. Unit of Legislative Work for Gloria Inés Ramírez

01/2011 – 07/2011

Lecturer, Political and economic history of the XXth Century in Colombia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Project: “Transitional Justice in Colombia: Participation opportunities for rural women in the construction of historic memory and clarification of the truth (2003-2019)”

During the last two decades, two important political phenomena have emerged globally: A “Justice Cascade” (Sikkink,2018:9) that advocates for a greater individual penal responsibility for human right crimes and violations in the contexts of dictatorships or internal armed conflicts. At the same time, this claim for justice has been accompanied by a “boom in memory”, which emphasizes construction of the memories. These are selected and reinterpreted according to cultural sensibilities, ethical questions and political interests of the present (Traverso, 2007:67-68). The transitional justice processes have focused on memory as a space of elaboration of the past and projection towards the future, one of the most important actors in these processes are rural women claiming for land protection and environmental rights.

The objective of this project is to study the factors that have allowed the mobilization of rural women around the construction of historic memory and the right to the truth during the last few years (2003-2019) in the context of transitional justice in Colombia. This qualitative research focuses on the analysis of temporality relationships between past, present and future. This project revolves around how rural women build memory from a gender and intersectionality approach. The perspective considers the different inequalities and oppressions to which women are subjected in the short and long term due to their rurality, gender and ethnicity. The study contributes to the discussion on how rural women movements craft memories to understand a violent past with the aim of proposing agendas for enjoying social and economic rights, strengthening democracy and building sustainable peace.


Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea (2016). Political trends of the laborer movement and paths for the construction of autonomy during the National Front: The case of the sugar workers in Valle del Cauca (1959-1961). Thesis with Honorable Mention. Master’s Degree in History. Bogotá, D.C: Faculty of Human Sciences. National University of Colombia. Available online: https://repositorio.unal.edu.co/handle/unal/58019

Chapters (selection)

Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea (2009) “Approaches to the construction of Public matters: An outlook on the proposals of District administrations in the city of Bogotá D.C (1995-2008)”. In, Cubides, Juliana & Mora, Andrés Felipe (comp) (2009). Political Economics of Education. The case of Bogotá. Bogotá, D.C: Unit of Legal-Social Research Gerardo Molina Institute –UNIJUS. Department of Political Science, National University of Colombia. Pp 207-239. Printed Document.


Puello Socarrás, Jose Francisco; Cubides Martínez, Juliana; Mora Cortés, Andrés Felipe; Copete, Jose David & Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea. (2009) “Bogotá: towards the full realization of the right to education”. En, Puello Socarrás, José Francisco (Et al) (2009). University-school and production of pedagogic knowledge. Results of the IDEP research – Colciencias. Bogotá, D.C: Institute for Educative Research and Pedagogic Development, IDEP – Main City Hall of Bogotá. pp 107-144. Available online: https://www.academia.edu/7336963/Bogot%C3%A1_Hacia_la_realizaci%C3%B3n_plena_del_derecho_a_la_educaci%C3%B3n

Articles (selection)

Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea (2020). “Transitional Justice in Colombia: Participation opportunities for rural women in the construction of historic memory and clarification of the truth (2003-2019)". Cuadernos del Doctorado de Derecho (Notes of Doctoral. in Law) Journal2: 8-31. Available online: http://www.unilibre.edu.co/bogota/ul/noticias/noticias-universitarias/1716-doctorado-en-derecho#cuaderno-no-2


Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea (2017). "Assessment of the Social Participation and Implementation of item 1 of the Peace Agreement signed between Farc –Ep and the National Government: transformation of the countryside and comprehensive rural reform”. Semillas Journal 67/68: 9-13. Available online: https://www.semillas.org.co/es/revista/67-68


Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea & Cruz Merchán, Camilo Alipios. (2017) “Mouvements of the Eastern Hills: Collective actions in the borders between urban and rural territory in the city of Bogotá” Ciencia y Trópico Journal. 41, 1: 77-102. (Recife: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco). Available online: https://periodicos.fundaj.gov.br/CIC/article/view/1619


Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea. (2011). “National Development Plan for 2010-2014: Prosperity for everyone?”. Espacio Crítico Journal. 14: 3-42. Available online: http://www.espaciocritico.com/node/96


Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea. (2009). “Democratic transition in Colombia from the subordinate classes: Contributions from the peasant struggles (1990-2008)”. Surmanía Journal 2: 50-73. Available online: https://sites.google.com/site/revistasurmania/surmania2/surmania2


Salazar Carreño, Paola Andrea. (2008). Quality in public education”. Educación y Ciudad Journal. 14: 12-28. Available online: https://revistas.idep.edu.co/index.php/educacion-y-ciudad/article/view/129


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