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Erick Mancha Martínez


International Research Training Group "Temporalities of Future"

PhD Candidate

Project: "The crisis of 1907, future projections and the revolution: the political economy of the crisis in Mexico, 1905-1910"


Since 07/2019

Phd Candidate in History at El Colegio de México, Mexico

07/2016 – 05/2018

Master in Economics at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

07/2010 – 03/2015

Bachelor in Economics at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico


Work Experience

Since 07/2018

Teacher at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, Mexico

Since 04/2016

Academic Collaborator in course “Estudios Críticos Sobre la Economía Mundial y su Desarrollo Histórico”at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico

Project: "The crisis of 1907, future projections and the revolution: the political economy of the crisis in Mexico, 1905-1910"

Capitalism or the capitalist world economy has been accompanied by various crises throughout its history, of a real, monetary and/or financial nature. The crisis phenomena seem to be certainly inherent to the system, just as Marx enunciated it in the middle of the 19th century; however, there are crises that pass without major repercussions and others that cause serious declines in national economies. In the United States alone, in the period from 1813 to 1914, there were a total of 13 bank panics, some of which, like the one in 1893, had significant repercussions in countries such as Brazil and Mexico.

Among them, the 1907 crisis was one of the most important, both for the US economy, since it led to the reorganization of the financial and banking system, as well as for other economies such as Canada, Mexico and several others. This had important repercussions on the economy of the United States and particularly in the railway industry with falls of 47 percent of the Northern Pacific company, as well as in the steel industry with a decrease of 56.5 percent registered in the United States Steel Common, and of course, the creation of what is today the Federal Reserve. In Mexico and Canada, it caused significant bank failures and required the intervention of national governments for its resolution, which gives us the idea that the crisis transgressed national borders, also affecting Latin American countries.

The central objective of the research is to investigate the impact that the 1907 crisis had on future projections in the field of political economy in Mexico and thus determine its effect on the political-economic scenario on the eve of the revolutionary outbreak of 1910. process between 1905, when Mexico entered the gold standard, and 1910, when the economy showed signs of recovery and the revolutionary conflict broke out.


Mancha Martínez, Erick (2021),“De capital a capitalismo: la historia de un concepto”, Ariadna histórica. Lenguajes, conceptos, metáforas, 10, pp. 375-402

Mancha Martínez, Erick y Reyes Rodriguez, Nydia Lourdes (2022), „Repensando la revolución en tiempos de crisis: un apunte para la reflexión de la realidad social latinoamericana del siglo xxi“, Incidencias, 0: pp. 42-60.

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