Yoon-jeong Jeon
Yoon-jeong Jeon is a visiting researcher at the Institute for Gender Research at the Seoul National University and works as a part-time instructor at Kyung-Hee University and Dong-Duks Women’s University in Korea. She holds a PhD in Sociology and has published articles about “Familialism and change of Korea`s Work-family balance policy from 1987 to 2015: Focusing on Time-Series analysis” (2017), and “Appropriated Publicity, re-familialization and Genderization in the Free child care Politics” (2014). In the past she has worked for Women’s Link as an assistant administrator and was in charge of planning, policy making and activism for women and sexual harassment. Currently she is working on maternity leave policy, work-life balance on women`s experience of ‘working moms’ and women in academics. Other research interests are women`s policy, work-life balance, sexual violence within workplace and university.