Publikationen • Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI)

Food and Social Change: Culinary elites, contested technologies, food movements and embodied social change in food practices

SR Cover

Renata Motta & Eloísa Martín

The Sociological Review | 2021

In this introduction, we have asked a very classical sociological question and brought together interdisciplinary efforts to critically approach it, focusing on a basic issue: food. We briefly reconstruct the main approaches to social change in sociological theory and then identify main themes with which food studies have contributed to this debate. If, to avoid normative and formal approaches, theories of change require contextualization in order to keep their explanatory value, this volume brings historical and geographical context to provide an analysis of social change through the lenses of food. Methodologically, articles offer diverse approaches to food, allowing different kinds of perspectives on change. While statistical analysis or historically comparative sociology will provide correlational snapshots and structural transformations, ethnographies necessarily deal with change happening in the everyday. The articles in this monograph have been organized into four broad groups: (1) national cuisines as elite projects of social change; (2) science and technology as contested tools for social change; (3) social mobilization and food movements as agents of social change; and (4) micro- and macro-level change and beyond: culinary subjectivities, embodied social change and food transition.

Schlagwörter: food, global sociology, social change, sociology of food, theories of change

Unionism and feminism: alliance building in the Brazilian Marcha das Margaridas

Social Movement Studies

Renatta Motta & Marco Teixeira

Journal Social Movement Studies - Taylor & Francis Online | 2020

Building on social movement analytics of coalition formation, we have established a dialogue with social theory on social inequalities and feminist scholarship on solidarity, bringing together the analytical sharpness of social movement studies with political and normative debates on solidarity building. We suggest that the processes of building solidarities that are key to coalition formation are best understood when taking into account four explanatory dimensions: context (structural conditions that might include political, economic, social and cultural institutional and various scales: from global events to national politics and organizational politics); discursive processes of framing that bridge across different social inequalities; the building of a coalitional identity and resources. We use this analytical framework to inquire into an instance of feminist coalitional politics, namely the Brazilian Marcha das Margaridas. This coalition emerged in the year 2000 and has had six editions since then, mobilizing between 20,000 to 100,000 women to Brasília. While the rural union movement forms the core of its leadership, several other partners co-organize the Marcha, including women’s movements, trade union and agrarian social movements. The prominence of a union movement denotes the centrality of working class demands and redistributive issues together with demands for the recognition of gender difference and gender equality. We query the process of emergence and alliance building in the Marcha das Margaridas in 2000 by drawing on different types of data: documental analysis of archival material produced by the coalition, ethnographic fieldwork and semi-structured interviews with activists that represent different social movements in the coalition. - Marco Antonio Teixeira & Renata Motta (2020) Unionism and feminism: alliance building in the Brazilian Marcha das Margaridas, Social Movement Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2020.1770430

Schlagwörter: Labour unions, feminism, women’s movements, coalition, solidarity, Brazil

Social Classes and the Far Right in Brazil


Sérgio Costa & Renata Motta

OR Books | 2019

Erschienen in: In Spite of You: Bolsonaro and the New Brazilian Resistance. Ed: Conor Foley

Ein Blick aus der Bewegungsforschung auf den Rechtsruck in Brasilien

Das Logo des Instituts für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung

Renatta Motta & Débora Medeiros

Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen | 2019

August 2019. Der Amazonas-Regenwald brennt seit mehreren Wochen und Prä-sident Jair Bolsonaros erste öffentliche Reaktion darauf ist eine Aussage, die einer billigen Verschwörungstheorie gleicht: Umwelt-NGOs hätten die Brände gelegt, um seine Regierung in ein schlechtes Licht zu rücken (Andreoni et al. 2019). Hierauf wurde die brasilianische Regierung, weltweit vertreten durch ihre Bot-schaften, zur Adressatin von Protesten. Bewegungen wie Extinction Rebellion und Fridays for Future taten sich mit brasilianischen Aktivist*innen im Ausland zusammen, um einen Stopp der Brände und der zerstörerischen Umweltpolitik Bolsonaros zu fordern (Speare-Cole 2019).

Schlagwörter: Social Movements, Brazil, Right-winged Movements

Brasilien: Der neue Faschismus?


Luiz Ruffato, Renata Motta, Claudia Zilla & Kristina Dietz

Blätter Verlaggesellschaft mbH | 2019

Erschienen in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik. Heft 6/2019

Undone Science and Counter-Expertise: Fighting for Justice in an Argentine Community Contaminated by Pesticides


Florencia Arancibia & Renata Motta

Science as Culture | Taylor & Francis Online | 2018

STS and social movement scholars have shown the importance of ‘getting undone science done’ to advance the goals of social movements fighting environmental health injustice. The production and mobilization of counter-expertise, meaning the reliance on expertise, broadly construed, to contest regulatory decisions based on scientific knowledge, must be further analyzed by differentiating among types of expertise and strategies to mobilize them. In social mobilization against the unrestricted use of pesticides in Argentina, the affected community in Ituzaingó Anexo developed three types of expertise. The community first drew upon its own local knowledge of cases of illness and, as lay people, produced the first epidemiological map of this area. Then, they enrolled scientists and NGOs as allies to jointly learn about pesticide contamination as an explanation for illness. The enlisted scientists produced new knowledge by conducting environmental and epidemiological studies. Finally, sympathetic public health authorities, legal experts, and a district attorney designed a successful legal strategy to stop fumigations in that area and enforce local regulations. The case confirms the importance of producing undone science, and shows that its effectiveness can be explained by intertwined strategies deployed by a triad of lay/local, scientific, and legal experts to overcome the expertise barrier

A criação de uma controvérsia sobre os transgênicos no Brasil

modernidade sem fronteiras

Unijuí | 2018

Erschienen in: Modernidade sem Fronteiras: Desenvolvimento e Desigualdades Entrelaçadas. Eds: A. Mueller & F. Soares

Entre Controvérsia e Hegemonia: os transgênicos na Argentina e no Brasil


Renata Motta

Fiocruz | 2018

A autora faz um estudo comparativo da expansão do cultivo de produtos geneticamente modificados nos dois países, que se tornaram grandes produtores de soja e se inseriram na economia global. O estudo mostra os caminhos e questiona por que os governos de esquerda tomaram rumo contrário ao esperado pelos ambientalistas e movimentos camponeses e de agricultura familiar (a partir de 2003, no Brasil, e em 2012, na Argentina) e cederam à pressão do agronegócio. Foram ouvidos ativistas de movimentos sociais envolvidos nas lutas contra as sementes transgênicas, cientistas, ambientalistas, organizações de defesa do consumidor e jornalistas. A partir desta base, a pesquisadora utilizou referenciais teóricos das ciências sociais e outros, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar. O prefácio de Marcelo Firpo Porto, pesquisador da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, situa bem o trabalho. “Fica claro o quanto as lógicas da democracia representativa e da tecnociência, em nome de um conhecimento especializado dito universal, funcionam totalmente atreladas aos interesses de mercado e influenciam importantes políticas públicas. Ao mesmo tempo, servem para silenciar críticas e desvalorizar a construção de alternativas, nesse caso outro modelo de agricultura familiar vinculado à agroecologia, à reforma agrária e à soberania alimentar”, destaca Firpo. Renata Motta trata do papel do Estado no capitalismo contemporâneo, visto em alguns diagnósticos como administrador dos mercados financeiros e menos como garantidor de direitos. E afirma a necessidade de uma luta política emancipatória, por acreditar que, sem mobilização social, o capitalismo global trará ainda mais desigualdades e diminuição de direitos.

Global Entangled Inequalities: Conceptual Debates and Evidence from Latin America

Global Entangled Inequalities

(Eds.) Elizabeth Jelin, Renata Motta, Sérgio Costa

Routledge | 2017

This book presents studies from across Latin America to take up the challenge of exploring the plurality of social inequalities from a global perspective. Accordingly, it identifies the structural forces of social inequalities on a world scale as they shape asymmetries observed in a wide array of phenomena, such as racial and gender inequality, urbanization, migration, commodity production, indigenous mobilization, ecological conflicts, and the "new middle class". A rich contribution to the study of the interconnections between the global social structure and multiple local and national hierarchies, Global Entangled Inequalities brings consistently together a variety of conceptual approaches, ranging from ethnographies to legal genealogies, and will therefore appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in social theory, power analysis, intersectionality studies, urban studies, and global social and environmental justice.

Socio-Environmental Inequalities and GM crops: Class, Gender and Knowledge

Global Entangled Inequalities

Renata Motta

Routledge | 2017

Erschienen in: Global Entangled Inequalities: Concepts and Evidence from Latin America. Eds: Renata Motta, Elizabeth Jelin & Sérgio Costa

Global Capitalism and the National State in the Struggles over GM Crops in Brazil

Agrarian Change

Renata Motta

Journal of Agrarian Change | 2016

The introduction of biotechnology is part of a global process of structural change in agriculture characterized by an increased integration of world agriculture with high corporate control. However, as the legal competence to allow the planting and trade of genetically modified (GM) crops commonly lies at the level of the nation state, this remains strategic in the politics of GM crops, both for actors promoting the technology and for social movements struggling against it. This paper illustrates this argument with an analysis of the struggles over GM crops in Brazil. It shows how the implementation of a food regime based on biotechnology, corporate control and neoliberal globalism depended on the state and was a contested process.

Social Mobilization, Global Capitalism and Struggles over Food: A Comparative Study of Social Movements

Social Mobilization 2016

Renata Motta

Routledge | 2016

This book explores the transformation of Brazil and Argentina into two of the world’s largest producers of genetically modified (GM) crops. Systematically comparing their stories in order to explain their paths, differences, ruptures and changes, the author reveals that the emergence of the two nations as leading producers of GM crops cannot be explained by technological superiority of biotechnology; rather, their trajectories are the results of political struggles surrounding agrarian development, in which social movements and the rural poor contested the advancement of biotechnologically-based agrarian models, but have been silenced, ignored, or demobilized by a network of actors in favour of GM crops. Based on rich interview and media material collected amongst activists, the author highlights the importance of political struggles over GM crops not only to debates on agrarian futures and food security, but also as illustrations of the challenges faced by contemporary democracies. An international comparative study, this book raises the question of how social mobilization and rights claims can counter the systemic imperatives of global capitalism and political interests, at a time when regional governments are reliant on commodity booms, whilst globally, governments are obliged to introduce programmes of austerity. As such it will appeal to scholars of sociology, political science and geography with interests in social movements, development, globalization, inequality and political economy.

Schlagwörter: Social Movements; Food;

Health experts challenging the safety of pesticides in Argentina and Brazil

Health experts challenging the safety of

Renata Motta & Florencia Arancibia

Routledge | 2016

Erschienen in: Medicine, Risk, Discourse and Power. Ed: John Martyn Chamberlain

La Movilización de Mujeres En Las Luchas Contra Los Cultivos Transgénicos En Argentina y Brasil

sustentabilidad desde abajo

Renata Motta

CLACSO - trAndeS Freie Universität Berlin | 2016

Erschienen in: Sustentabilidad desde abajo. Luchas desde el género y la etnicidad. Eds: Markus Rauchecker & Jennifer Chan

Peasant movements in Argentina and Brazil

Contested Extractivism

Renata Motta

Palgrave Macmillan | 2016

Erschienen in: Contested Extractivism, Society and the State: Struggles over Mining and Land. Eds: Bettina Engels & Kristina Dietz

Capitalismo Global y Estado Nacional en las Luchas acerca de los Cultivos Transgénicos en Brasil

Estudios Criticos del Desarrollo

Renata Motta

Estudios Críticos del Desarrollo | Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas | 2016

La introducción de la biotecnología es parte de un proceso global de cambio estructural en la agricultura caracterizado por una cada vez mayor integración de la agricultura mundial con alto control corporativo. Sin embargo, ya que la competencia legal para permitir el cultivo y el comercio de cultivos genéticamente modificados (GM) comúnmente se encuentra a nivel del Estado nacional, éste continúa siendo estratégico en la política de transgénicos tanto para actores promotores de la tecnología como para movimientos sociales que pelean contra ella. El presente artículo ilustra este argumento con un análisis de las luchas acerca de los cultivos transgénicos en Brasil. Se demuestra cómo la implementación de un régimen alimentario basado en biotecnología, control corporativo y globalismo neoliberal dependió del Estado y fue un proceso disputado.

Environmental Politics under Dilma: Changing Relations between the Civil Society and the State

LASA Forum 2015

Fabio de Castro & Renata Motta


The environment has become a contentious issue in national politics in Brazil. The socioenvironmental effects of the commodification of the economy are now coming to the fore. The deforestation rate in the Amazon has gone up again after a decade of steady decrease; environmental conflicts have increased and intensified; violence in rural areas has deepened in the last decade; and, more recently, shortages of water and energy have plagued urban areas. Although most of these impacts resulted from policies implemented more than a decade ago, they are symptoms of a deeper political problem rooted in anemic levels of democracy, participation, and social justice under the Dilma government. The neodevelopmentalist model—based on expansion of natural resources extraction, large energy and infrastructure projects, and a centralized decision-making process—could hardly have produced a different outcome (Zhouri and Laschefski (2010). In this essay we argue that environmental politics in Brazil has suffered from an increasing distance between the civil society and the state, on one hand, and an increasing distance between rural and urban social movements, on the other. Next, we briefly describe these two processes since Dilma took office in 2011 and consider their implications for her second term, which began in January 2015.

Transnational Discursive Opportunities and Social Movement Risk Frames Opposing GMOs

Social Movement Studies

Renata Motta

Journal of Social Movement Studies | Taylor & Francis Online | 2015

Research on social movement frames has been cumulative. Recently, scholars started studying the structural incentives and constraints for claim-makers by relying on the concept of discursive opportunity structure (DOS) while bringing the public sphere and the media to the centre of analysis of political contention. This article draws on these literatures to investigate social movement campaigns against genetically modified (GM) crops and pesticides in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. First, it argues that there is a transnational DOS that provides structural incentives and constraints to frame risks in symbolic struggles to define GM crops. Next, based on a content analysis of national newspapers, it describes the use of risk frames in national public discourses. Finally, it addresses the question of how this transnationalized DOS is framed by the media by looking at the discursive opportunities for social movements as well as other collective actors in their framing disputes. The study provides evidence of a transnationalization of public debates and offers explanations for national variations by resorting to other components of the DOS such as national policy discourse, timing of political agendas, media structure and culture. It concludes by recognizing the need to consider the various dimensions of opportunity structures for movement action, i.e. political, discursive, and economic, and their relative degree of transnationalization or autonomy over global forces.

El derecho internacional y la mercantilización biohegemónica de la naturaleza: la diseminación normativa de la propiedad intelectual sobre semillas en Colombia y Argentina

el derecho internacional y la mercantilizacion

Manuel Góngora-Mera & Renata Motta

Editorial UNAL | 2014

Erschienen in: Desigualdades socioambientales en América Latina. Eds: Barbara Göbel, Manuel Góngora-Mera & Astrid Ulloa

Risco e modernidade uma nova teoria social? Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais


Renata Motta

Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais | 2014

O artigo versa sobre a teoria da modernização reflexiva de Ulrich Beck, considerando a sua recente expansão com a tese de uma sociedade global do risco. Dois elementos são analisados: a noção de risco como categoria sociológica e a relação entre os conceitos de modernidade e de reflexividade. Quanto ao primeiro, levanta-se a questão sobre a reivindicada centralidade do conceito "risco" como categoria sociológica e sobre o alcance de uma teoria sociológica sobre risco. Quanto ao segundo, argumenta-se que a teoria de Beck possui as seguintes limitações: uso de explicações causais mecânicas e deterministas para restringir a discussão a sociedades altamente industrializadas; explicações essencialistas sobre a relação entre risco e cultura. Como alternativa, propõem-se cinco premissas para pesquisas sociológicas que sejam aplicáveis a sociedades não europeias, utilizando-se o exemplo de novas tecnologias.

Social Disputes over GMOs: An Overview

Sociology Compass

Renata Motta

Sociology Compass | Wiley Online Library | 2014

This review provides an overview of social research on genetically modified crops (GM crops), also known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Academic inquiry on the social disputes over the future of agriculture biotechnology has multiplied since the mid‐1990s, when the first seeds were approved for market commercialization. This essay identifies and describes five prominent analytical approaches to explain public controversies over GMOs: the political economy of food and agriculture, social studies on science, democracy theory, research on corporations and hegemony, and social movement and peasant studies. This overview concludes by arguing that these different strains, although each privileging one analytical dimension and one level of analysis, converge in (i) the definition of the relevant explanatory factors, (ii) in the identification of the various levels of analysis – global, transnational, national and local – involved in the issue and (iii) in the prognostic that social disputes over GMOs are likely to remain a topic of public and scholar interest in the near future.

Medios y política en la Argentina: las disputas interpretativas sobre la soja transgénica y el glifosato


Renata Motta & Nadia Alasino

Question - Universidad Nacional de La Plata | 2013

Desde la implementación del paquete tecnológico de la soja transgénica y el glifosato en la Argentina en 1996, apenas a partir de 2008 se ha abierto un debate en la agenda pública sobre los efectos del mismo para el país. Este artículo analiza dichas disputas interpretativas desde los medios de comunicación. Observamos para ello las líneas editoriales de la prensa escrita, así como la presencia de actores vinculados a la temática que encuentran en los periódicos plataformas desde las cuales ingresar su posicionamiento en la agenda. Recuperamos las noticias presentes en dos diarios de alcance nacional Página/12 y La Nación, en el período que se sigue a la publicación de un estudio sobre los efectos negativos del glifosato a la salud, en abril 2009. El análisis de contenido muestra que mientras La Nación resalta los beneficios en términos de incremento de la producción y posicionamiento del país en el mercado mundial, Página/12 destaca los efectos negativos sobre el medio ambiente y la salud de los habitantes a partir de la implementación del paquete tecnológico. Con su polarización política, los medios se posicionan como un actor más en la disputa interpretativa y material sobre el modelo sojero en la Argentina.

Schlagwörter: periodismo, medios de comunicación de masas, tecnología, medio ambiente, salud

Ciências Sociais na América Latina: Privilegio epistemológico, estilo original

Debates 2009

Renata Motta

Revista Debates - UFRG | 2009

Este ensaio explora como a América Latina oferece um lócus privilegiado para o cientista social lidar com o desafio epistemológico que é o ajuste entre a teoria e os fatos. O argumento é que, embora se trate de um desafio comum a todos os cientistas sociais, ele se torna mais explícito enquanto tal para o cientista social latino-americano, pois este exerce um ofício cujas formulações teóricas e conceituais foram desenvolvidas em uma tradição de outro tempo e de outro lugar. Ao realizar o ajuste entre estas teorias e estes conceitos e a realidade contemporânea latino-americana, o cientista social latino-americano expande, de forma original, a universalidade da matriz disciplinar das Ciências Sociais.

Schlagwörter: América Latina; Movimentos Sociais; Democracia

Sociologia de risco: globalizando a modernidade reflexiva


Renata Motta

Sociologias | 2009

Esta resenha pretende trazer um pouco dos argumentos recentes da sociologia de risco de Ulrich Beck para o debate brasileiro sobre risco. Em sua recente obra, que poderia ser traduzida em português como Sociedade global de risco: na busca da segurança perdida, o autor se baseia em experiências como o terrorismo global, a ameaça de crise ecológica e as crises financeiras internacionais para defender o conceito de uma sociedade global de risco. Esta se configura em dois momentos: a modernização reflexiva e o momento cosmopolita. A tese é que os perigos fabricados pela sociedade industrial que se tornam evidentes, na sociedade de risco, como resultado da modernização, extrapolam as fronteiras nacionais. Esta resenha repassa os argumentos centrais do livro, dentre os quais destacaria o fim da separação entre realidade objetiva e percepção cultural do risco, cuja realidade residiria no seu caráter controverso; conseqüentemente, a negação do status privilegiado da ciência para avaliar os riscos e a ênfase na figura do desconhecimento e sua relação com a política.

Schlagwörter: Sociologia do risco; Modernização reflexiva; Risco; Desconhecimento

Biopolítica e neoliberalismo: a vigilância sanitária no limite da utilidade para o comércio internacional

Revista de direito sanitario

Renata Motta

Revista de Direito Sanitário - USP | 2008

Esta pesquisa parte da problemática das relações entre saúde e comércio internacional para analisar como a Reforma do Estado brasileira em vigilância sanitária na década de 1990, notadamente, a criação da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) está relacionada com o avanço do regime multilateral de comércio. Com base na reflexão de Foucault sobre o neoliberalismo, analisou-se como as questões neoliberais de "como" e "até que limite é útil" a intervenção estatal na economia informaram as demandas tanto do mercado internacional como do doméstico sobre as características do desenho institucional adotado.

Schlagwörter: Agências Reguladoras, Comércio Internacional, Organização Mundial do Comércio, Vigilância Sanitária