Jorge Ovalle

Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut
Literaturen und Kulturen Lateinamerikas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Master in Literary Studies (2018-2020). Auxiliary Teaching Fellow. Meritorious thesis: La ‘ficción histórica’ de Alfredo Iriarte: una reacción frente a la mitificación de lo latinoamericano.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Professional in Literary Studies (2014-2017). Student scholar.
Universität Potsdam - Academic exchange (WS 2015/16). Anglistik und amerikanistik.
Institución Universitaria Unilatina - Spanish, literature and human sciences teacher (2021-2022).
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Teaching Assistant Fellow. Classical literature and introduction to literature (2018-2019).
Latinamerican Post - Editor (2018-2019).
Infolaft - Editor (2018)
Universidad Santo Tomás, Ministry of National Education - Spanish teacher (2016).
Project Description
Contemporary Colombian Diaspora Literature (2000-2020)
One of the fundamental characteristics of literature is movement: authors, readers and works move socially and culturally through time. Literature made by migrant subjects is one of its most outstanding expressions. My objective is to analyze the literature of the contemporary Colombian diaspora produced by authors who have left the country and have become migrant subjects who, from a distance, write about Colombia, migration and its problems. These are migrant writers, in the broad sense of the term, first and second generation. Likewise, I consider those writers who leave the country as scholarship holders, who benefit from creative scholarships or writing workshops. Through the analysis of the works of seven migrant authors and other experiences, I aspire to offer a critical approach to the phenomenon of Colombian migration in aesthetic and cultural terms and, through this, to understand the relationship of these subjects with Colombia and the globalized world.
Paper - La ruptura entre la crítica literaria colombiana y las crónicas de Alfredo Iriarte: un problema de divulgación histórica, publicado en la Revista Contexto, de la Universidad de los Andes de Venezuela, volumen 26, número 28, 2022.
ISSN-e 1315-9453, pp. 85-101.
Paper - La pregunta por la identidad del sujeto latinoamericano dentro de una realidad contradictoria en la obra ficcional de Alfredo Iriarte. Un problema de modernidad, modernización y extrañamiento, publicado en la Revista Sic, arbitrada por la Asociación de Profesores de Literatura del Uruguay, Año XI, Número 28, 2021.
ISSN: 1688-938X, pp. 32-46.
Review - Sin remedio: una novela sobre la indiferencia y el escapismo de los colombianos de Iván Padilla Chasing, publicada en la revista Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Volumen 22, Número 1, 381-386, 2020.
Master's degree thesis in Literary Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. La ‘ficción histórica’ de Alfredo Iriarte: una reacción frente a la mitificación de lo latinoamericano, 2020.