Dr. Laurissa Mühlich

Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut
Assoziiertes Mitglied
VWL/Ökonomie Lateinamerikas
14197 Berlin
2011 – PhD in Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, Doctoral thesis: "South-South Monetary Integration: Regional Monetary Integration in the Context of Fragile Capital Markets"
2003/2004 – German Development Institute (GDI), Bonn, Germany
2003 – Diplom (euqivalent Master's degree) in Economics; Diploma thesis: „Exchange Rate Volatility and Regional Integration in Developing Countries – Opportunities of Monetary Cooperation in South America“
Professional Experience
2015 / 2016 – Post-doctoral research fellow of the Kollegforschergruppe “The Transformative Power of Europe”, Otto-Suhr Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
Since 2013 – Desk Officer at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
2012 / 2013 – Advisor to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, giz GmbH, Berlin
2010 – Economic Affairs Officer, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva
2006 - 2012 – Lecturer and Research Assistant at the Chair of Economics at the Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
2006 Consultant to the Chair of Economics at the Institute for Latin American Studies – Freie Universität Berlin: Project „Regional Monetary Integration between Developing Countries and Emerging Markets: International Comparison of Perspectives for Macroeconomic Stability and Development”
2004 - 2006 – Senior Project Manager InWEnt – Capacity Building International Germany, Berlin
Scholarships & Awards
2012 – Friedrich-Katz dissertation prize of the Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
2008 / 2009 – Research Scholar, Fox International Fellowship Program at Yale University, New Haven
2006 – PhD Scholar of the Foundation Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Winter 2019/2020
Wissenschaftspraxis I+II (E-teaching)
Summer 2019
V/Ü Finanzen und Entwicklung (with Barbara Fritz)
Ü Finanzkrisen und Geldsysteme
Winter 2018/2019
Wissenschaftspraxis I+II (E-teaching)
Winter 2011/2012
Ü Lateinamerika als Labor der Moderne: Länderstudien (with C. Lozano)
Ü Hands-on Institutions in Development Cooperation
Summer 2011
MA HS Entwicklungstheorie und –politik: Fallstudien
BA S Entwicklungstheorie und –politik
Winter 2010/2011
Ü Lateinamerika als Labor der Moderne
Summer 2010
MA Ü Entwicklung und Verteilung in Brasilien im Vergleich
Ü Vom sozialistischen Projekt Allendes zur Neuen Rohstoffökonomie (with S. Costa)
Winter 2009/2010
Ü Lateinamerika als Labor der Moderne
BA Ü/S Einführung in Entwicklungstheorie und -praxis (with E. Calaminus)
Winter 2007/2008
MA HS Transpazifische Verbindungen im Globalisierungsprozess (with S. Kron)
V/Ü Lateinamerika als Labor der Moderne (with S. Costa, B. Hoffmann)
Summer 2007
MA Ü Entwicklungstheorien und -strategien: Fallbeispiele
BA Ü Regionale Integration als Entwicklungsstrategie in Lateinamerika
Winter 2006/2007
MA HS Der Nationenbegriff im Kontext der Globalisierungsdebatte (with S. Kron)
Inequalities in the Global Financial Safety Net
Ecological Financial Capabilities Index
Research & Publications
2014: Advancing Regional Monetary Cooperation - The Case of Fragile Financial Markets, Studies in Economic Transition, Houndmills/Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
2004: Regional Integration without Monetary Integration in Developing Countries – Impacts of Exchange Rate Volatility in the case of Mercosur, Institute for Ibero-American Studies: Hamburg.
Journal Articles
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2022: Regional Monetary Cooperation in the Developing World Taking Stock, in: Barrowclough, D., Kozul-Wright, R., Kring, W.N., Gallagher, K.P. (eds) South—South Regional Financial Arrangements. International Political Economy Series, p. 139-173. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64576-2
co-authored with Fritz, B. and Kring, W.N. 2022: No One Left Behind? Assessing the Global Financial Safety Net Performance During COVID-19, in: Journal of Globalization and Development 13 (1), 123-147.DOI
co-authored with Zucker Marques, M., Fritz, B. and Kring, W.N. 2022: No One Left Behind? COVID-19 and the shortcomings of the Global Financial Safety Net for low- and middle-income countries, United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) DA COVID-19 Paper 05/2022.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2021: Borrowing Patterns in the Global Financial Safety Net: Does Governance Play a Role?, in: Global Policy 12 (S4), 47-68, DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12936.
co-authored with Kring, W. N., Fritz, B. 2021: Towards the Marginalization of Multilateral Crisis Finance? The Global Financial Safety Net and COVID-19. Boston University, Global Development Policy Center, GEGI Policy Brief 015.
co-authored with Kring, W. N., Fritz, B., Gallagher K. P. 2020: The Global Financial Safety Net Tracker: Lessons for the COVID-19 Crisis from a New Interactive Dataset, Boston University, Global Development Policy Center, GEGI Policy Brief 010. Also published as Global Policy Opinion, 05 May 2020.
co-authored with Fritz, B., Dullien, S. 2019: The IMF to the rescue: did Greece benefit from the fund’s experience in dealing with highly indebted countries?, in: Journal for Economic and Policy Reform, 22(4): 369-383. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/17487870.2018.1457960.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2019: Regional Financial Arrangements in the Global Financial Safety Net: The Arab and the Eurasian Fund, in: Development and Change 50(1): 96-121. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12466
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2018: Safety for Whom? The Scattered Global Financial Safety Net and the Role of Regional Financial Arrangements, in: Open Economies Review, 29(5), 981-1001. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11079-018-9495-y.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2016: Regional Monetary Cooperation in Emerging, Transition, and Developing Economies, in: Hölscher, J./Tomann, H. (eds): Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. Insights from Archival Research, Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 112-133.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2016: Safety for Whom? The Scattered Global Financial Safety Net and the Role of Regional Financial Arrangements, KFG Working Paper No. 75.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2015: Varieties of Regional Monetary Cooperation: A Tool for Reducing Volatility in Developing Economies?, in: Special Issue of Contemporary Politics 21(2), 127-145.
co-authored with Armijo, L. E./Tirone, D. C. 2014: The Systemic Financial Importance of Emerging Powers, in: Journal of Policy Modeling, Volume 36, Supplement 1, Pages S1-S17.
co-authored with Fritz, B./Biancarelli, A. 2014: Sistemas regionales de pago. Una perspectiva comparativa sobre Europa y el mundo en vías de desarrollo. In: El Trimestre Económico, no. 324, October/December 2014, p. 875-908. (Previously published as: Diskussionsbeiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin, Volkswirtschaftl. Reihe 2012/10)
co-authored with Fritz, B./Dullien, S. 2013: Regional Monetary Cooperation in Developing Areas: Lessons to be learnt from the Euro Crisis?, in: World Economic Review 2, 1-23.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2010: South-south monetary integration: the case for a research framework beyond the theory of optimum currency area, in: International Journal of Public Policy 6/(1/2).
Book Chapters
Forthcoming: Bretton Woods, in: Clark, M. (ed.): Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Forthcoming: co-authored with Maas, H.: Interamerican Development Bank, in: Freistein, K., Leiniger, J. and Weinlich, S. (eds.): De Gruyter Handbook on International Organizations. Berlin: De Gruyter.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2021: Dealing with global financial asymmetry: contributions of Regional Monetary Cooperation between Emerging Markets and Developing Countries, in: Bonizzi, B., Kaltenbrunner, A., Ramos, R.A. (eds.): Emerging Economies and the Global Financial System - Post-Keynesian Analysis, London: Routledge, Ch. 18.
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2021: Regional Monetary Cooperation in the Developing World - Taking Stock, in: Barrowclough, D., Kring, W.N. (eds.): South–South Regional Financial Arrangements, Berlin: SpringerNature, Ch. 5 (forthcoming).
co-authored with Fritz, B. 2012: Cooperación monetaria Sur-Sur: ¿Una opción para fomentar el desarrollo financiero regional en los mercados emergentes y las economías en desarrollo?, in: Ugarteche, O./Dembinski, P. (eds): Más Allá de Bretton Woods: La economia transnacional en busca de nuevas instituciones, Editorial Académica Española, 339-361.
2011: South-South Regional Monetary Cooperation: Potential Gains for Developing Countries and Emerging Markets, in: Volz, U. (ed.): Regional Integration, Economic Development And Global Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 295-322.
Other Publications
2011: Regional Monetary Cooperation and Growth-Enhancing Policies: the new challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean. Study prepared by the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva: United Nations. Study Team: Heiner Flassbeck (supervisor), Barbara Fritz (coordinator), Sonia Boffa, André Biancarelli, Laurissa Mühlich.
co-authored with Flassbeck, H. 2010: Gehört der regionalen Währungskooperation die Zukunft? Neue regionale Finanzregime als Antwort auf weltweite Ungleichgewichte, in: Zeitschrift Vereinte Nationen Heft 3, 110-114.
2010: Die Vereinten Nationen als Stimme für Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer im globalen "Währungskrieg"?, in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Vereinte Nationen (DGVN), Themenschwerpunkt 'Weltwirtschaft, Handel und Entwicklung'.
co-authored with Wiemann, J./Effner, H./Grammling, S./Henke, K./Kommer, C. 2006: Vietnam - the 150th WTO-Member – the Impact on Industrial Policy and Export Strategy, German Development Institute: Bonn.