„South-South Monetary Cooperation - Regional Monetary Cooperation in the Context of Fragile Financial Markets”
The PhD research project analyzes stabilizing and destabilizing determinants of regional monetary south-south cooperation (SSC) in Southern Africa (Common Monetary Area), South East Asia (Association of South East Asian Nations), compared to a case of non-cooperation in South America (Mercado Común del Sur). I examine under which circumstances SSC can be expected to contribute to financial market development, and thus support mitigating member countries’ financial vulnerability and monetary policy constraints. The empirical part of the project is characterized by a multi method design that combines a quantitative dynamic panel generalized method of moment (GMM) estimation technique with qualitative case study analysis on region specific characteristics on the respective historical background and economic context of regional cooperation, regional asymmetries, the role of monetary anchors, and regional macroeconomic harmonization.
- Theorie und Politik regionaler Integration von Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern
- Wechselkursregime und Geldpolitik in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern
- Nationale und Internationale Finanzmarktentwicklung
Regionale Schwerpunkte
- Südamerika - Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR)
- Südostasien - Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- Sub-Sahara Afrika - Common Monetary Area (CMA)