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Julia HaßFrauenamateurfußball in Brasiliens Metropolen - die Aushandlung von urbanem Raum und Gender im Sport (Stipendiatin Internationales Graduiertenkolleg "Entre Espacios“) (Prof. Dr. Stephanie Schütze)

Krista Lillemets: Expansion of the Sphere of Citizenship Rights in the Semi-Periphery: Comparing Brazil and Central Eastern Europe Through the Lens of Polanyian “Double Movement” (Stipendiatin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung) (Prof. Dr. Sérgio Costa)

Isabel Richter: The Future of Memory: The Romanian-Jewish Avant-garde Artist Emeric Marcier as a Challenge for Memory Research in Brazil – A Contribution to the Reception of Interreligious Art in Latin American Exile (Mitglied des Internationalen Graduiertenkollegs “Temporalities of Future”)

Belén Díaz Armas: Struggles for hegemony in the 21st century: The renewal of the Latin American Right

Dr. Vinicius Bivar Marra Pereira: Countering the Red Menace: Anticommunist Diplomacy and the Transformation of German-Brazilian Relations, 1933-1938
