Workshop I "Peripheral Neoliberalism: Transnational Networks, Think Tanks and Movements in Latin America"
This workshop brings together specialist researchers to explore the entanglements between the local and transnational dimensions of neoliberalism in Latin America. If we can talk of a phenomenon such as “peripheral neoliberalism”, what are its specific characteristics? We will discuss current projects that examine different aspects of the circulation of neoliberal political strategy and right-wing subject construction. This event provides the opportunity to share analytical insights and challenges and to foster the growth of a collaborative research network. Presentations will last 15 minutes, leaving 30 minutes for questions and comments. Please find the whole programme under downloads further below. Draft papers can be shared on request. If you can only participate remotely, please ask George Payne for the online meeting details.
2:30 pm – Session 1: New Strands of Neoliberalism
- Belén Díaz, Freie Universität Berlin – Cool Neoliberalism: Right-Wing Creative Destruction in Brazil
- William Callison, Uppsala University – Javier Milei and the Libertarian-Authoritarian Movement
4:15 pm – Session 2: Transnational Neoliberalism
- Karin Fischer, Johannes Kepler University Linz – Atlas Think Tanks and Indigenous Campaigns in Latin America: A Case of Limited Strategy Mobility
- Tomás Gold, University of Notre Dame (online) – Architects of Free-Market Hegemony? Think Tanks’ Political Influence in Comparative Perspective (Argentina and Chile, 1955-2010)
- Maximiliano Jara-Barrera, Freie Universität Berlin –Neoliberalism against democracy? The Concept of Democracy among the Latin American Members of the Mont Pelerin Society (1947-2000)
Zeit & Ort
05.09.2023 | 14:30 - 18:30
Dahlem Dorf
Edwin-Redslob-Str. 29
14195 Berlin