Prof. Dr. Barbara Fritz

Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut
VWL / Ökonomie Lateinamerikas
Raum 216
14197 Berlin
Am 13.03.24 von 14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr. Bitte buchen Sie Ihren Termin für diesen Tag hier.
Am 10.01.24 von 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr. Bitte buchen Sie Ihren Termin für diesen Tag hier.
Am 20.12.23 von 14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr. Bitte buchen Sie Ihren Termin für diesen Tag hier.
Am 21.11.23 von 13:30 bis 15:00 Uhr. Bitte buchen Sie Ihren Termin für diesen Tag hier.
Am 31.10.23 von 14:30 bis 16:00 Uhr. Bitte buchen Sie Ihren Termin für diesen Tag hier.
Freie Universität Berlin
Economics Department / Institute for Latin American Studies
Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56
D-14197 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 838 53063
Current Position
Professor at Freie Universität Berlin for Latin American Economics
Joint appointment between the Department of Business and Economics and the Institute for Latin American Studies
Academic Career
Since 2020
Full Professor (W3), Latin American Economics, Freie Universität Berlin
Since 2010
Full Professor (W2), Latin American Economics, Freie Universität Berlin
10/2009– 4/2010
Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), Geneva; project coordination on regional monetary cooperation (on leave from FU for this period)
Junior Professor in Latin American Economics, FU Berlin
Senior Research Fellow, GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies, Hamburg
Lecturer, Economics department / Institute for Latin American Studies, FU Berlin
Research Fellow, Institute for Ibero-American Studies, Hamburg
Research on behalf of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in São Paulo
- Habilitation (academic degree for full professorship), Universität Flensburg, 2009; Thesis: Beyond Growth by Debt: New Approaches to Money, Finance and Development
- PhD Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, 2001; Thesis: Development through exchange rate-based stabilization? The case of Brazil [Entwicklung durch wechselkurs-basierte Stabilisierung? Der Fall Brasilien. Marburg: Metropolis, 2002]
- Diplom (Master's Degree equivalent), Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, 1993
- Vordiplom (Bachelor's Degree equivalent), Economics with regional focus on Latin America; Universität Tübingen, 1986
Third-Party Funded Research Projects
Director of the Alumni Program re:connect, funded by DAAD
Since 2019
Founding Member of the Graduate School “Temporalities”, funded by the DFG (German Research Fund), FU
Since 2016
Co-director of the Graduate School trAndeS (Programa de Posgrado en Desarrollo Sostenible y Desigualdades Sociales en la Región Andina), funded by DAAD
Since 2015
Co-Director of the DAAD network “Comparative Economic Development Studies
Since 2013
Founding Member of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU
Since 2010
Co-Director of the Forschungszentrum Brasilien/Centro de Pesquisas Brasileiras, FU
2009 - 2018
Founding Member of the Graduate School “Between Spaces”, funded by the DFG (German Research Fund), FU
2012 to 2016
Senior Research Scholar, Kollegforschergruppe “The Transformative Power of Europe”, FU
2009 to 2014
Lead Researcher in the Research Network “Interdependent Inequalities”, funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education; Co-ordinator of the Research Area “Socio-Economic Inequality”
2009 to 2015
Academic direction of the project “University Meets Microfinance”: European Commission funded transfer project to join academic research and project experience in microfinance; in cooperation with Planet Finance (two funding periods)
2009 to 2010
Head of e-learning project “Development economics for non-economists” (CeDIs, Freie Universität Berlin)
June 2009
Conceptualisation of a Blankensee-Colloquium: “Bridging the Gap between Economics and Area Studies: Economic Theory and the Diversity of Policies and Institutions” (with Carsten Herrmann-Pillath und Stephan Panther); funded by the Institute of Advanced Study (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)
2007 to 2009
Head of research project on “Financial development and macroeconomic stabilisation through remittances: Potential benefits and modes of Governance” within the Research Center 700 (SFB) “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”, funded by the DFG (German Research Fund), with 2 PhD students and 2 student assistants
Workshop on “New Issues in Regional Monetary Coordination: Understanding North-South and South-South Arrangements”, financed by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, co-financed by UNCTAD
Academic functions (selected)
Since 2023
Member of the Economic Advisory Network (Ökonomisches Beratungsnetzwerk) of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Since 2023
Vice-Chairman of the Budget Commission of the FU Berlin
Since 2023
Member of the BUA Forum on Diplomatic Resilience
Since 2023
Member of the Editorial Board of Region & Periphery
Since 2023
Vice-Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies, FU Berlin
2018 - 2019
Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies, FU Berlin
Since 2018
Editorial board member of Journal of Latin American Studies
Since 2015
Centro Internacional Celso Furtado, member
Since 2015
Berliner Chancengleichheitsprogramm selection committee member
2015 - 2022
Director of the FU Kommission zur Förderung von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen
2014 - 2016
Committee member for the Tiburtius-Preis
2009 to 2011
Advisor to the G8 Working Group on Remittances, led by the World Bank
2007 - 2013
Deputy Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
2009 - 2013
Dean of students of the Institute of Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
2005 to present
Academic advisory board member, Cadernos PROLAM/USP, Universidade de São Paulo
2004 to present
Advisory board member European Journal for Economics and Economic Policies,
2004 to present
Liaison, Heinrich Boll Foundation
2001 to 2005
Chief editor of the refereed journal “Lateinamerika Analysen”
2000 to 2006
Executive board member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung ADLAF
1997 to 2002
Advisor to German-Brazilian trade union networks
Fellowships, Honours
- Award for excellent PhD supervision by the Dahlem Research School, FU Berlin, 2022
- Award for outstanding achievements in blended learning at the Institute for Latin American Studies, 2007
- Visiting Professor at Colegio de México, 03/2016
- Visiting Professor at UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro), 03/2014
- Guest researcher at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil, 10/2013
- Visiting Professor at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, 09/2011; 03/2012, 03/2015
- Research fellowship from the Instituto Rio Branco, Brasilia, 03/1997 - 10/1997
- ASA fellowship for Work and Study in Asia, Africa and Latin America: Examination of a public state program for the promotion of small businesses in rural areas of Ceará, Brazil, 07/1989-10/1989
Professional Affiliations
ISA - International Studies Association
Verein für Socialpolitik (German Economists Association)
LASA - Latin American Studies Association
LACEA - Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association
ADLAF - German Federation for Latin American Research
German – mother tongue; English; Portuguese: Excellent; Spanish – Very good; French – Good
Marital Status
Married, two daughters (*1998; *2000)
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Books | Articles | Briefing Papers, Policy Reports, Editorials (selection) | Presentations
Books and Special Issues in Journals
Coping with Crises: Variations of Financial Crisis Management at the Regional Level (ed. with A. Krampf), in: Contemporary Politics 21(2), 2015, Special Issue 117 - 230
A Moment of Equality for Latin America? Challenges and Limits for Redistributive Policies (ed. with L. Lavinas). Burlington: Ashgate, 2015 (Cover, table of contents and introduction). DOI: 10.4324/9781315564920
New Issues in Regional Monetary Coordination: Understanding North-South and South-South Arrangements. London/New York: Palgrave, 2006 (ed. with M. Metzger) (Cover, table of contents and introduction)
Ökonomie unter den Bedingungen Lateinamerikas – Geld und Kredit, Sozialpolitik und Umwelt. Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 2005 ( K. Hujo) (Cover, table of contents and introduction)
Entwicklung durch wechselkurs-basierte Stabilisierung? Der Fall Brasilien. Studien zur monetären Ökonomie, Bd. 28, Marburg: Metropolis, 2002 (Cover, table of contents and Abstract)
Inflation und Stabilisierung in Brasilien. Probleme einer Gesellschaft im Wandel. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Iberoamerika-Kunde Band 43, Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 1996 (Hg. mit G. Calcagnotto) (Inhaltsverzeichnis). DOI: 10.31819/9783964563347
Getting Currency Swaps Right: How China is Filling the Void Left by the West (with K. Gallagher and M. Zucker Marques), at: China Global South Project, April 11, 2023
South-South Monetary Regionalism: A case of Productive Incoherence? (with A. Kaltenbrunner, L. Mühlich and B. Orsi), in: New Political Economy, DOI: 10.1080/13563467.2023.2184471 (published March 2023)
Unequal Access to The Global Financial Safety Net: An Index for the Quality of Crisis Finance (with M. Zucker Marques and L. Mühlich). Freie Universität Berlin, School of Business & Economics, Working Paper 2023/4
Regional Monetary Cooperation in the Developing World Taking Stock (with L. Mühlich), in: Barrowclough, D., Kozul-Wright, R., Kring, W.N., Gallagher, K.P. (eds) South—South Regional Financial Arrangements. International Political Economy Series, p. 139-173, 2022. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64576-2
Currency hierarchy and financial globalization in emerging economies: how far does Riese’s critique of growth by external debt still hold? (with L. F. de Paula and D. Prates), in, European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 19/2, preprint September 2022. DOI: 10.4337/ejeep.2022.02.07
No One Left Behind? Assessing the Global Financial Safety Net Performance During COVID-19 (with L. Mühlich, M. Zucker-Marques and W. N. Kring). UNCTAD, UN Development Account Project “COVID-19 Response and Recovery – Mobilizing financial resources for development”, DOI. April 2022
Developmentalism at the Periphery: Addressing Global Financial Asymmetries (with L. F. de Paula and D. Prates), in Third World Quarterly, 2022, 43(4), 721-741. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1989299
The global knowledge value chain on sustainability: Addressing fragmentations through international academic partnerships (with B. Schorr, M. Braig, and B. Schütt), in Sustainability 2021, 13(17), 9930, DOI: 10.3390/su13179930
Towards the Marginalization of Multilateral Crisis Finance? The Global Safety Net and COVID-19 (with L. Mühlich, W.N. Kring). Boston University, Global Development Policy Center, GEGI Policy Brief 015, April 2021
Borrowing Patterns in the Global Financial Safety Net: Does Governance Play a Role? (with L. Mühlich), in Global Policy, 2021, 12 Issue S4, 47-68, DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12936; pre-edited version to be found here
The metamorphosis of external vulnerability from ‘original sin’ to ‘original sin redux’: Currency hierarchy and financial globalisation in emerging economies (with L. F. de Paula and D. Prates). UFRJ, Instituto de Economia, Discussion Paper 033, November 2020
The Global Financial Safety Net Tracker: Lessons for the COVID-19 Crisis from a New Interactive Dataset (with L. Mühlich, B. Kring and K. Gallagher). Boston University, Global Development Policy Center, GEGI Policy Brief 010, April 2020
Remittances:The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: O. Kaltmeier, A. Tittor, D. Hawkins and E. Rohland (eds., 2020), New York: Routledge, 199-204, 2020
Varieties of Developmentalism: A critical Assessment of the PT Governments (with L. F. de Paula and D. Prates, in: Latin American Perspectives, Issue 230, 47/1, January 2020, 45-64; DOI:10.1177/0094582X19894660; pre-edited version to be found here, 2020
Nach dem "Moment der Gleichheit": Drei Thesen zur Krise Lateinamerikas, in: info Schnelldienst 24/2019: Vom Hoffnungsträger zum Problemfall: Lateinamerika verliert den Anschluss - was sind die Ursachen?, 13-16; December 2019
The IMF to the rescue: Did Greece benefit from the fund's experience in dealing with highly indebted countries? (with S. Dullien and L. Mühlich), in: Journal of Economic and Policy Reform, 2019, 22(4), 369-383. DOI: 10.1080/17487870.2018.1457960
Regional Financial Arrangements in the Global Financial Safety Net: The Arab Monetary Fund and the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (with L. Mühlich); in: Development & Change, 2019, 50(1), p. 96-121, DOI:10.1111/dech.12466
O desenvolvimentismo pode ser culpado pela crise? Uma classificação das políticas econômica e social dos governos do PT ao governo Temer (with D. Prates and L. F. de Paula). UFRJ, Instituto de Economia, TD 009/2019, 2019
Global currency hierarchy and national policy space: a framework for peripheral economies (with D. Prates and L. F. de Paula) in: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 15(2), 208–218, 2018. DOI: 10.4337/ejeep.2018.02.11
Safety for Whom? The Scattered Global Financial Safety Net and the Role of Regional Financial Arrangements (with L. Mühlich), in: Open Economies Review, 25(9), 981-1001, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11079-018-9495-y
Capital account regulation as part of the macroeconomic regime: Comparing Brazil in the 1990s and 2000s (with D. Prates), in: European Journal of Economic Policies: Intervention, 15(3), 313-334, 2018, pre-edited version to be found here
A nova abordagem do FMI sobre a gestão dos fluxos de capitais e suas limitações: Lições do Brasil e da Coreia do Sul (with D. Prates), in: IPEA, Texto para discussão 2430, Nov. 2018
Brazil at Crossroads: A Critical Assessment of Developmentalist Policies (with D. M. Prates and L. F. de Paula), in: P. Arestis / C. Baltar / D. Prates (eds., 2018): The Brazilian Economy since the Great Financial Crisis of 2007/2008. Palgrave McMillan, 9-40, 2017
Keynes at the periphery: Currency hierarchy and challenges for economic policy in emerging economies (with L. F. de Paula and D. Prates, in: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 40(2), 183-202, 2017. DOI: 10.1080/01603477.2016.1252267
Uma avaliação das políticas desenvolvimentistas nos governos do PT (with D. M. Prates and L. F. de Paula), in: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento, Rio de Janeiro, 12(21), 187-215, July-December 2017
Developmentalism at the Periphery: Can Productive Change and Income Redistribution be Compatible with Global Financial Asymmetries? (with D. Prates and L. F. de Paula), in: desigualdades Working Paper No. 101, 2017
Hierarquia de moedas e redução da autonomia de política econômica em economias periféricas emergentes: uma analise keynesiano-estruturalista (with L. F. de Paula and D. Prates), em: Ferrari, F./Terra, F.H.B.T. (Org.) Keynes: Ensaios sobre os 80 anos da Teoria Geral. Porto Alegre: Tomo Editorial, 177-202, 2016
Macroeconomic Policy Regime: A heuristic approach to grasping national policy space within global asymmetries, in: A. Truger, E. Hein, M. Heine, F. Hoffer (Hg.): Monetary Macroeconomics, Labour Markets and Development. Festschrift for Hansjörg Herr. Marburg, Metropolis 2016, 73-84, 2016
Beyond capital controls: The regulation of foreign currency derivatives markets in South Korea and Brazil after the global financial crisis. (with D. Prates), in: CEPAL Review 118, April 2016, 183-201. For the Spanish version (Revista CEPAL 118, 193-213), 2016
Regional Monetary Cooperation in Emerging, Transition, and Developing Economies, (with L. Mühlich), in: J. Hölscher and H. Tomann (eds.): Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. Insights from Archival Research. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 112-133, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-137-37138-6_7
Le FMI à la rescousse: la zone euro a-t-elle bénéficié de l’expérience du Fonds dans la lutte contre les crises? (with S. Dullien and L. Mühlich); in: Economie & Institutions, No. 23-2e semester, 7-40, 2015. DOI: 10.4000/ei.5669
Redistribution and Persistent Challenges: an Introduction, (with L. Lavinas), in: B. Fritz and L. Lavinas, (eds.): A Moment of Equality for Latin America? Challenges and Limits for Redistributive Policies, Ashgate (October 2015, 3-12), 2015. DOI: 10.4324/9781315564920
Coping with Financial Crises: Explaining Variety in Regional Arrangements (with A. Krampf), in: Contemporary Politics 21(2), 117-127 May 2015. DOI: 10.1080/135969775.2015.1031986
Varieties of Regional Monetary Cooperation: A Tool for Reducing Volatility in Developing Economies? (with L. Mühlich), in: Contemporary Politics 21(2), 127-145, May 2015. DOI: 10.1080/13569775.2015.1031985
Dilma 2.0: From Economic Growth with Distribution to Stagnation and Increasing Inequalities?, (with S. Costa and M. Sproll), in: LASA Forum, volume XLVI(3), July 2015
Beyond the new IMF institutional view on capital account management: A broad approach on financial regulation in emerging economies (with D. Prates), in: S. Dullien, E. Hein and A. Truger (eds.): Macroeconomics, Development and Economic Policies. Festschrift for Jan Priewe. Marburg , Metropolis 2014, 221-40, 2014
Regional Monetary Co-operation in the Developing World: Taking Stock (with L. Mühlich). Paper for the UNCTAD project “Strengthening pro-growth macroeconomic management capacities for enhanced regional financial and monetary co-operation among selected countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, and West and Central Africa”, June 2014
Sistemas regionales de pago. Una perspectiva comparativa sobre Europa y el mundo en vías de desarrollo (with A. Biancareli and L. Mühlich), in: El Trimestre Económico, vol. LXXXI (4). no. 324, 875-908, October/December 2014
Remittances for Financial Access: Lessons from Latin American Microfinance (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: Development Policy Review, September 2014, 32 (6): 733-753 ), 2014. DOI: 10.1111/dpr.12087
The New IMF Approach to Capital Account Management and its Blind Spots. Lessons from Brazil and South Korea (with D. Prates), in: International Review of Applied Economics, 28 (2), 2014, 210-239. (Previously published as Working Paper no. 35, 2013), 2014. DOI: 10.10180/02692171.2013.858668
"What do they know of England who only England know?" Vergleichende Regionalforschung als Schlüsselkompetenz in einer verflochtenen Welt (with B. Hoffmann), in: M. Hochmüller, A. Huffschmid, T. Orozco Martínez, et al. (eds.): Politik in verflochtenen Räumen. Los espacios entrelazados de lo político. Festschrift für Marianne Braig. Berlin, edition tranvía - Verlag Walter Frey, 156-171, 2013
Regional Monetary Cooperation: Lessons from the Euro Crisis for Developing Areas? (with S. Dullien and L. Mühlich), in: World Economic Review 2, 1-23, 2013
Migrations Between Spaces in the Americas and Beyond, Editorial, (with I. Kummels and S. Rinke), in: FIAR (Forum for Inter-American Reserarch), 6(2), 2013
Remittances and the Financial Sector - Insights from Latin America, (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: FIAR (Forum for Inter-American Research), 6(2), 2013
Espacios monetarios asimétricos y cooperación monetaria Sur-Sur, (with L. Mühlich), in: C. Alba, M. Braig, S. Rinke, et al. (eds.): Entre espacios. Movimientos, actores y representaciones de la globalización. Edición tranvía/Walter Frey, Berlin, 57-82, 2013
Cooperación monetaria Sur-Sur: ¿Una opción para fomentar el desarrollo financiero regional en los mercados emergentes y las economías en desarrollo?, (with L. Mühlich), in: O. Ugarteche, P. Dembinski (eds.): Más Allá de Bretton Woods: La economia transnacional en busca de nuevas instituciones. Editorial Académica Española, 339-361, 2012
Remittances: Definitions and Relevance in the Americas, (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: Social and Political Key Terms of the Americas, 2012
Financial Development and Macroeconomic Stabilization through Migrant Remittances? Potential Benefits and Policies. (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: B. Knerr (ed.): Transfers from International Migration: A Strategy of Economic and Social Stabilization at National and Household Level. Kassel: Kassel University Press, 129-161, 2012
Regional Monetary Cooperation and Growth-Enhancing Policies: The New Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean. Study prepared by the Secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, (coord.), 2011
O potencial das remessas dos migrantes para a governação e o desenvolvimento financeiro no contexto EUA-México, (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: A. Malamud and F. Carrillo Flórez (eds.): Migrações, Coesão Social e Governação - Perspectivas Euro-Latino-Americanas. Imprensa Ciencias Sociais, Lisboa, (ISBN 978-972-671-270-1) 2011
South-South Monetary Integration – The Case for a Research Framework beyond the Theory of Optimum Currency Area, (with L. Mühlich), in: International Journal Public Policy, 6, (1/2), 118-135, 2010. DOI: 10.1504/IJPP.2010.031210
Arbeitsmigration als Entwicklungschance? Remittances und die Rolle des Finanzsektors im lateinamerikanischen Kontext (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: Globasilierung Süd, Leviathan, 235-258, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-19916-0_12
Economic Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in Latin America, in: W. Matiaske, S. Costa and H. Brunkhorst (eds.): New Perspectives on Justice. Peripherie und Zentrum, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, 115-136, 2010
Orthodoxie und Sozialpolitik: Zur gemischten Bilanz der brasilianischen Wirtschaftspolitik, in: S. Costa, D. Kohlhepp, H. Nitschak et al. (Hgg.): Brasilien heute, Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 335-348, 2010
So Far from God and So Close to the U.S. Dollar: Contrasting Approaches of Monetary Coordination in Latin America, in: B. Fritz, M. Metzger. (eds.): New Issues in Regional Monetary Coordination: Understanding North-South and South-South Arrangements.[FB3] London: Palgrave, 126-146, 2006. DOI: 10.1057
Monetary Coordination involving Developing Countries - The Need for a New Conceptual Framework, in: B. Fritz and M. Metzger (eds.): New Issues in Regional Monetary Coordination: Understanding North-South and South-South Arrangements. London: Palgrave, p. 3-25, (with Martina Metzger), 2006. DOI: DOI: 10.1057/9780230502444_1
¿Remesas como medio estabilizador del desarrollo? Interacciones micro- y macroeconómicas e implicaciones para la política de remesas, in: I. Wehr (ed.): Migraciones. Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 213-26, 2006. DOI: 10.31819/9783964565754-014
Lateinamerika jenseits seiner Grenzen. Die ökonomischen und politischen Implikationen transnationaler Migration als Gegenstand der Lateinamerika-Forschung (mit B. Hoffmann), in: P. Birle, D. Nolte and H. Sangmeister (Hgg.): Demokratie und Entwicklung in Lateinamerika, Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 389-414, 2006
Ein südamerikanischer Gegenpol zu den USA unter brasilianischer Führung? (mit D. Nolte), in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Hg.): Jahrbuch Internationale Politik 2003/4, 309-18, 2006
La deuda externa como obstáculo para el desarrollo: Evaluación del nuevo debate sobre la sustentabilidad de la deuda, in: IUDC (ed.): Globalización, pobreza y desarrollo. Los retos de la cooperación internacional. Madrid: Los libros de la Cataratta, 167-178, 2005
Tragfähigkeit von Verschuldung - Ein Blick über die Gläubigerperspektive hinaus, in: B. Fritz, K. Hujo (Hgg.): Ökonomie unter den Bedingungen Lateinamerikas - Geld und Kredit, Sozialpolitik und Umwelt. Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 135-152, 2005. DOI: 10.31819/9783964565495-010
ALCA: Endeudamiento, estrategias de desarrollo y políticas comerciales de los países latinoamericanos, in: U. Müller, K. Bodemer (eds.): Nuevos paradigmas de desarrollo para América Latina. Conferencia internacional organizada en conjunto por la GTZ, Eschborn, y el Instituto de Estudios Iberoamericanos (IIK) de Hamburgo, en abril 2004 en Asunción, Paraguay. Hamburg: Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde, 115-123, 2005
Currency Blocs: Looking at the Options for Developing Countries in a Multipolar Monetary Regime, in: Cadernos PROLAM/USP, 1, 7-22, 2004
Wie tragbar sind Schulden? Debt Sustainability, Insolvenzrecht für Staaten und die neue Rolle des IWF, in: H. Brunkhorst, G. Grözinger, W. Matiaske (Hgg.): Zentrum und Peripherie in der Weltgesellschaft. Rainer Hampp Verlag, 65-87, 2004
Tentativas de estabilização e crescimento por via da dívida externa: a economia brasileira de quatro décadas, in: Iberoamericana 14, Madrid, 127-142, 2004. DOI: 10.18441/ibam.4.2004.14.127-142
Vom Growth-cum-Debt zum "Wachstum durch Entschuldung". Anmerkungen zum UNCTAD Trade and Development Report 2003: Capital, Accumulation, Growth and Structural Change, in: 1 (1), 14-21, 2004
Ökonomische Erschütterungen und politische Stabilisierungstendenzen im südlichen Lateinamerika, (mit D. Nolte), in: Jahrbuch Internationale Politik 2001/2002, hg. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Politik, München: Oldenbourg, 287-294, 2004
Währungspolitik an der Grenze - Mexikos Bestrebungen nach monetärer Integration in die USA, in: M. Braig et al. (Hgg.): Mexiko Heute; Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 309-337, 2004
Tan cerca del dólar y tan lejos del Federal Reserve: La cuestión del régimen monetario adecuado para México en el marco del TLC, in: G. Maihold (ed.): Trayectorias de una modernidad mexicana: México DF: Porrúa, 637-650, 2004
Die große Freihandelszone in Amerika (ALCA) und ihre potentielle Bedeutung für lateinamerikanische Entwicklungsstrategien, in: FDCL (Hg.): Die Panamerikanische Freihandelszone ALCA / FTTA. Tagungsdokumentation, Berlin, 20-33, 2003
Vom Dollar zum "Merco"? Monetäre Ursachen der Krise des Mercosur und Perspektiven einer Gemeinschaftswährung, in: 1, Hamburg: IIK; 166-172, 2002
Stabilisierung und Destabilisierung. Währungskrisen als Kehrseite des Modells wechselkursbasierter Entwicklung - der Fall Brasilien, in: D. Boris, K. Eicker-Wolf, A. Beriell-Dias et al. (Hgg.): Finanzkrisen im Übergang zum 21. Jahrhundert - Probleme der Peripherie oder globale Gefahr? Metropolis: Marburg, 2000
Development or Growth-cum-Debt? Reflections on Latin America's Economic Strategy in a Time of International Financial Instability. Diskussionsbeiträge des FB Wirtschaftswissenschaft der FU Berlin, Volkswirtschaftliche Reihe, Nr. 2000/10, 2000
Implikationen der Asienkrise für das lateinamerikanische Entwicklungsmodell der 90er Jahre, in: 68 (1), 22-35, 1999
Brasilien - Schockwellen aus Asien... und Wasserautobahnen zum Mercosur (mit B. Happe), in: K. Gabbert, W. Gabbert, U. Goedeking et al. (Hgg.): Lateinamerika Analysen und Berichte, Bad Honnef: Horlemann 22, 176-185, 1998
O regime da âncora cambial como condição para a estabilização e o desenvolvimento? Uma contribuição à análise do Plano Real. Programa de bolsas Instituto Rio Branco, 70 Seiten, 1997
Brasilien: Emerging Market oder Risikoland? Theoretische Anmerkungen zu den ambivalenten Einschätzungen der Unternehmer, in: A. Boeckh, R. Sevilla (Hgg.): Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven der deutsch-brasilianischen Beziehungen; Frankfurt a. M.: TFM, 145-172, 1997
Brasil: Adiós al neoliberalismo, bienvenida la globalización, in: (Caracas) No. 149, mayo-junio, 20-26, 1997
Das stabile Geld und sein Preis. Ökonomische Transformationen in der Folge des Plano Real, in: G. Calcagnotto, B. Fritz (Hgg.): Inflation und Stabilisierung in Brasilien. Probleme einer Gesellschaft im Wandel. Frankfurt: Vervuert, 15-48, 1996. DOI: 10.31819/9783964563347-002
The Art of Living with Inflation: The Brazilian Banking System, in: L. Schuster (Hg.): Banking Cultures of the World, Frankfurt a.M.: Fritz Knapp Verlag, 103-118, 1996
Die Standortdebatte in Brasilien und der Theorienstreit um den Wechselkursanker, in: Lateinamerika. Analysen-Daten-Dokumentation, Hamburg, 13 (32), 84-100, 1996
Wie leicht ist es, Brasilien zu regieren? In: K. Gabbert, W. Gabbert, U. Goedeking et al. (Hgg.), Offene Rechnungen, in: Lateinamerika. Analysen und Berichte, Nr. 20, 161-171 (abgedruckt auch in: Frankfurter Rundschau, 20.9.1996), 1996
Der Mercosur: Zwei Schritte vor und einer zurück, in: J. Betz, S. Brüne (Hgg.): Jahrbuch Dritte Welt 1996, München, 243-48, 1995
Stabilisierung in Brasilien: Eine Zwischenbilanz des Plano Real. In: Lateinamerika. Analysen-Daten-Dokumentation, Beiheft 15, Hamburg: IIK, 3-41, 1995
O Poder dos Banqueiros: Análise da Estrutura de Representação de Interesse do Setor Financeiro no Brasil. Studie im Auftrag von ILDESFES Brasil, 1993
O Brasil precisa de um Banco Central Independente? Opções e Problemas. Serie ILDESFES Brasil: Economia, Política e Sociedade Nr. 1, 1993
Briefing Papers, Policy Reports, Editorials (selection)
- Not und Spiele: In Brasilien ist die linke Umverteilungspolitik am Ende (veröffentlicht in Makroskop am 9.8.2016)
- Bewirken Geldsendungen von Migranten wirtschaftliche Entwicklung?, in: SEZ Letter, hg. von Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit in Baden-Württemberg, 2/2010, 2
- Geldsendungen von Migranten in ihre Heimatländer – ein ‚Manna’ für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung? (with C. Ambrosius and U. Stiegler), in: GIGA Focus Global Nr. 10, 2008
- Globalisierung von unten – Familienkasse und Finanzkrisen, in: FUndiert, das Wissenschaftsmagazin der FU Berlin, Nr. 02/07, 32-39
- Amerika den Amerikanern? Chancen und Risiken der Freihandelszone ALCA (Editorial zum Themenschwerpunkt) (with D. Nolte), in: Lateinamerika Analysen 5, 61-64; Hamburg: IIK, 2003
- Brasilien: neue Ziele, orthodoxe Politik - Wie tragfähig ist Lulas Wirtschaftspolitik? Brennpunkt Lateinamerika 13/2003 (Juli), 123-134; Hamburg: IIK (gekürzt dokumentiert in der Frankfurter Rundschau am 04.08.2003, 7), 2003
- Lateinamerikas ewige Schuldenkrise, in: Frankfurter Rundschau, 03.01.2003
- Wissenschaftliche Tagung „Globalisierung und Dritte Welt“ des Deutschen Übersee-Instituts (Hamburg); Vortrag zu „Globalisierung der Finanzmärkte und Dritte Welt“, 18.11.2002
- Ohne Entschuldung kein Krisenende, in: Tagesanzeiger (Zürich), 26.10.2002
- Argentinien - Ende eines Modells (Editorial zum Themenschwerpunkt), in: Lateinamerika Analysen 2, 55-58; Hamburg: IIK, 2002
- Reasons to cry, Argentina! Das Land steht vor einem ökonomischen Scherbenhaufen. Schadensbesichtigung, Ursachenforschung und erste Analyse der Rettungsversuche. (with M. Llanos). Brennpunkt Lateinamerika Nr. 3 (Feb.), 25-32; Hamburg: IIK, 2002
- Veraltete Rezepte. Neue Kredite werden Lateinamerika nicht aus der Krise helfen. Kommentar, in: Financial Times Deutschland, 03.07.2002
- Dollarisierung als neue Zauberformel - Geld- und Währungspolitik in Lateinamerika, in: Blätter des iz3w 285, Jan./Feb., 27-30, 2002
- Ausweg aus der Währungsfalle: Argentinien sollte seine Dollar-Schulden in Pesos umwandeln und an die Entwicklung des Wechselkurses binden. Kommentar, in: Financial Times Deutschland, 19.11.2001
- Ende eines Modells. Die Krise in Brasilien zeigt: Eine Regulierung der internationalen Finanzmärkte reicht nicht aus. Debattenbeitrag, in: taz, 22.01.1999
- Der Tiger geht, der Jaguar kommt? Lateinamerika und die Asienkrise, in: Freitag, 13.02.1998
- Linker Soziologe im Kampf gegen die Inflation - Die Wirtschaftspolitik des brasilianischen Präsidenten Cardoso, in: Freitag, 18.04.1997
- Brasilien: Ökonomische und politische Perspektiven. FES-Analyse; Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, November 1995
- „Unseren eigenen Weg suchen". Interview mit Lula (Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva), in: taz, 30.06.1995
- A recepção do Plano Real na Alemanha: mais cético de que otimista, in: Carta Internacional, USP, São Paulo, 4-5, 1995
Globale Kräfteverschiebungen - Die Rolle Brasiliens im weltwirtschaftlichen Umbruch, Expertenhearing "Strategischer Markt Brasilien - Wirtschaftliche Perspektiven", Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, 06.07.2015
(mit Daniela Magalhães Prates und Luiz Fernando de Paula): Keynes at the Periphery - Currency Hierarchy and Challenges for Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Workshop "Currency Hierarchy, Macroeconomic Policies and Development Strategies," Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 03.11.2014
(mit Daniela Magalhães Prates und Luiz Fernando de Paula): Currency Hierarchy and Challenges for Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Universität Leipzig, 14.10.2014
(mit Laurissa Mühlich): Balance de la cooperación monetaria regional en países de desarrollo, Taller técnico UNCTAD/CEPAL “Cooperación e integración financiera regional”, Santiago de Chile, 12./13.06.2014
(mit Laurissa Mühlich): Varieties of Regional Monetary Co-operation: A Tool for Reducing Volatility in Developing Economies? KFG Author Workshop "Coping with Crises: Financial Crisis Management at the Regional Level", University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, 01.11.2013
(mit Daniela Magalhães Prates): Capital Account Regulation as Part of the Macroeconomic Regime: Comparing Brazil in the 1990s and 2000s, Workshop "Currency Hierarchies and Global Inequality", Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 28.10.2013
(mit Laurissa Mühlich): Varieties of Regional Monetary Co-operation: A Tool for Reducing Volatility in Developing Economies? KFG Author Workshop "The Financial Crisis in Comparative Regional Perspective: Can Europe Learn from Other Regions?", Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 13.06.2013
Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Brasilien: Ein neues Modell? Universität Osnabrück, 13.05.2013
Cooperação monetária regional: lições da crise do Euro para regiões em desenvolvimento, UNICAMP, Campinas (Brazil), 13.03.2013
(mit Sebastian Dullien und Laurissa Mühlich): The Euro crisis and regional monetary cooperation in developing countries: Which lessons to be learnt? Conference "The Financial Crises in comparative regional perspective: Can Europe Learn from other Regions?", Panel: Comparing Regions, Research College (Kolleg-Forschergruppe, KFG) "The Transformative Power of Europe", Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 23.-24.11.2012
(mit Christian Ambrosius): Banking Crises Governance and Statehood in Comparative Perspective. Conference "The Financial Crises in comparative regional perspective: Can Europe Learn from other Regions?", Panel: Banking Regulation in Regional Perspective, Research College (Kolleg-Forschergruppe, KFG) "The Transformative Power of Europe", Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 23.-24.11.2012
(mit Laurissa Mühlich): Varieties of Regional Monetary Cooperation in Developing Areas and their Potential To Reduce Volatility. HTW Workshop “Regional Integration for Development, Berlin, 21.11.2012
Regional Monetary Cooperation: Lessons from the Euro Crisis for Developing Areas? Research College (Kolleg-Forschergruppe, KFG) "The Transformative Power of Europe", Jour Fixe, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 05.11.2012
(mit María Fernanda Valdés): Macroeconomic volatility and fiscal space for social spending in Latin-America, Panel: Interdependent Transnational Inequalities and National Politics and Policies in the Americas, 54th International Congress of Americanists – ICA 2012, Wien, 15.-20.07.2012
Regional Monetary Cooperation in Developing Areas: Lessons to be learnt from the Euro Crisis? Fakultätsseminar Universität Osnabrück, 12.06.2012
Economics and political economy of regional monetary cooperation in Europe and Latin America, Panel: Latin America and Asia after the 2008-10 Global Financial crisis, XXX International Conference of the Latin America Studies Association - LASA 2012, San Francisco, 23-26.05.2012
Global economic integration and macroeconomic policy space, Panel: Interdependent Inequalities froma Global Perspective: Economic, Class, Gender and Ethnic Asymmetries in Latin America, XXX International Conference of the Latin American Studies Association - LASA 2012, San Francisco, 23.-26.05.2012
(mit Daniela Prates): Global economic integration and macroeconomic policy space - The Role of Capital Account Regulations. Tagung der Brasilien-AG der ADLAF "Brasilien - Land der Gegenwart", LAI, FU Berlin, 13.-14.04.2012
(mit Sebastian Dullien und Laurissa Mühlich): Regional Monetary Cooperation in Developing Areas: Which Lessons to be learnt from the Euro Crisis? LASA-Mellon Workshop on "Financial Statecraft and Ascendent Powers: Latin America and Asia after the 2008-10 Global Financial Crisis," University of Southern California, 05.04.2012
(mit Ingrid Wehr): Welfare Regimes and Entangled Social Inequalities in Latin America: An Introduction to New Dimensions for Comparative Research, Project House, Berlin, 12.-13.12.2011
Stability of Regional Monetary Cooperation Arrangements in Comparative Perspective With Special Reference to the Lender of Last Resort Function; desigualdades / DIE workshop “Reducing Global and Regional Inequalities - The Role of Regional Monetary Cooperation and Integration, Project House, Berlin, 14.11.2011
Stability of Monetary Cooperation Schemes - A Comparative Approach; Instituto de Economia, UNICAMP, Campinas (Brazil), 23.09.2011
(mit Philipp Lepenies): „Interpretes do Brasil“: Celso Furtado oder das Recht auf Autonomie. Brasilianische Botschaft, 22.3.2011
Europäische Integration auf dem Prüfstand – Ursachen, Maßnahmen und Lehren der Eurokrise; Botschafter-Konferenz der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, 11.11.2010: „Lehren der Euro-Krise für Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer”
Research Network on Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies Conference 2010: Stabilising an Unequal Economy? Public Debt, Financial Regulation, and Income Distribution. Berlin, 29.-30.10.2010: "Capital Controls Re-Visited: Assessing the Experience of Chile and Brazil"
Research Network on Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies Conference 2010: Stabilising an Unequal Economy? Public Debt, Financial Regulation, and Income Distribution. Berlin, 29.-30.10.2010: "Regional Monetary Arrangements for Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Payments Systems"
University of St. Gallen, Brazil Day – Forum; 22.10.2010: "Brazil: Sustainable Growth with Equity?"
LASA (Latin American Studies Association); 07.-09.10.2010, Toronto: "Coping with Volatility: Latin American Regional Monetary Cooperation in a Comparative Perspective"
Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut/Lateinamerika-Forum Berlin, 19.05.2010: „Glanz und Elend von 'Remesas' in der Entwicklung Lateinamerikas“
HTW Berlin, Workshop “Reforming the Global Financial Order - The Agenda for the Years to Come” Organized by the DAAD-Project “Economic Studies on Money, Finance, Trade and Development”, 09.-11.06.2010: “Regional Monetary Cooperation in the Context of Growth-Enhancing Policies: The Challenges for New Arrangements in Latin America”
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10.03.2010: „Jenseits des Euro: Regionale monetäre Kooperation in Entwicklungsländern“
Colegio de México (Mexico D.F.): Conferencia inaugural del Colegio Internacional de Graduados ‘Entre espacios - movimientos, actores y representaciones de la globalización’, 13.04.2010: “Espacios de redes y enlaces: Cooperación monetaria regional entre países en desarrollo”
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), Geneva, 25.02.2010: “Regional Monetary Cooperation in the Context of Growth-Enhancing Policies: The Challenges for New Arrangements in Latin America”
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungsseminar, 13.01.2010: “Regional Monetary Cooperation in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis”
DGVN (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen), Berlin, 29.10.2009: „G-2, G-20, G-192 - wer soll die globale Wirtschaft regieren? Zur Rolle der UN in der globalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftsarchitektur"
Blankensee Colloquium ‘Bridging the Gap between Economics and Area Studies’, 08.-10.07.2009: “Latin America and the Global Financial Crisis: Implications for the Development Strategy?“ Comment on José Antonio Ocampo.
Universität Flensburg, 28.01.2009: „Ökonomische Theorie und Area Studies: Vom Nutzen empirischer ,Fernkompetenz' für das Verständnis der gegenwärtigen Finanzkrise“
GIGA (German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg), 21.01.2009: „Der große Knall? Die Auswirkungen der Finanzmarktkrise auf die Entwicklungsregionen“
UNAM, México D.F., conference on ‘Beyond Bretton Woods – In Search of New Institutions’, 15.-17.10.2008: “Regional Monetary Cooperation Among Developing Countries and Emerging Markets”
Arnold Bergsträsser Institut (ABI), Freiburg, 18.-19.07.2008: „Remittances als Mittel zur finanziellen Entwicklung in Lateinamerika?", Tagung „Globalisierung Süd“
12th EADI conference, Geneva, 24.-28.06.2008: “Financial Development through Remittances? Potential Benefits and Forms of Governance“
Frankfurt School of Business and Finance, 22.04.2008, “Remittances and Financial Development: Microfinance as the Missing Link?”
FLACSO, Quito (Ecuador), 02.04.2008, seminario sobre Arquitectura Financiera Internacional y Regional; presentación “Nueva arquitectura financiera regional y Banco del Sur: Estrategia de Banca”
Universität Wien, Ringvorlesung im Rahmen des Lateinamerika-Lehrgangs, 22.11.2007: “Muster der Finanzmarktintegration und Entwicklungsperspektiven“
Universidade de São Paulo, Brasilien, “Alternativas de desenvolvimento para países como o Brasil “, 13.11.2007: “Remessas familiares e desenvolvimento – O caso da América Latina”
Universidade de São Paulo, Brasilien, 08.11.2007, “Cooperação e integração monetária regional entre países em desenvolvimento: Novas oportunidades para estabilização macroeconômica além da teoria de área monetária ideal?”
Congreso FLACSO 50 anos, Quito (Ecuador) 29.-31.10.2007, paper presentado sobre “¿Remesas como medio para la estabilización macroeconómica y el desarrollo? Formas de regulación y constelaciónes de actores públicos, del sector privado y de la sociedad civil”
(with Laurissa Mühlich) Research Network Macroeconomic Policies “Finance-led Capitalism? Macroeconomic Effects of Changes in the Financial Sector”; 11th Workshop, 26.-27.10.2007, Berlin; paper presented on “South-South Monetary Integration: The case for a Research Framework beyond the Theory of Optimal Currency Areas”
(with Laurissa Mühlich) EACES (European Association for Comparative Economics Studies), 9th Bi-Annual Conference “Development Strategies – A Comparative View” at the University of Brighton Business School, 07.-09.09.2007, paper presented on “South-South Regional Monetary Integration: New Opportunities for Macroeconomic Stability in Developing Countries?”
SFB 700 der FU Berlin “Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit“; Vortrag im Rahmen des jour fixe zu einem nachzureichenden Projektantrag zum Thema “Remittances als Beitrag zur makroökonomischen Stabilisierung? Potential und Governance-Formen“, 19.07.2006
XXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, (San Juan, Puerto Rico); paper presented on “So Far from God and So Close to the U.S. Dollar: Contrasting Approaches of Regional Monetary Integration in Latin America”, 15.-18.03.2006
University of Sussex, Centre for Global Political Economy, conference on "After Deregulation: The Financial System in the 21st Century” (Sussex); paper presented on “Beyond the New Concept of Debt Sustainability: Systemic Risks of External Debt, Growth Perspectives and International Financial Stability”, 26.-28.05.2005
Grünen-Klausurtagung zur WTO-Entwicklungsrunde (Woltersdorf): Vortrag zu „Verschuldung und Handelsstrategien der Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer“, 18.02.2004
UNCTAD Trade and Development Board (Genf); Vortrag zu “The UNCTAD Trade and Development Report 2003 ’Capital Accumulation, Growth and Structural Change’ - A Comment”, 07.10.2003
XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (Washington, D.C.); paper presented on “The Monetary Regime of Quasi-Dollarisation: Lessons from the Brazilian Case”, 06.-08.09.2001